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U21 Educational Innovation Conference 2012

Video: Nurturing global citizens in undergraduate education
Keynote presentation by Professor Amy B.M. Tsui at the U21 Educational Innovation Conference 2012

On November 8-9, 2012, the U21 Educational Innovation Steering Group organized a sixth international conference at the National University of Singapore. The event, entitled “Transformative Education in the 21st Century”, aimed to address two themes, namely enhancing active student engagement and broadening educational experience. 46 participants from institutions around the world joined the conference and heard the following keynote speeches:

  1. Bringing breadth and integration to undergraduate education
    by Professors Daniel Bernstein (University of Kansas, USA)
  2. New media literacies and personalized learning
    by Professor Michael McManus (University of Queensland, Australia)
  3. Self-direction as a path of transformative learning
    by Professor Gary Poole (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  4. Nurturing global citizens in undergraduate education
    by Professor Amy Tsui (The University of Hong Kong)

To learn more about the conference and to download the keynote presentations, please visit this website. To read the news release of the National University of Singapore, please click here.