Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

IT in the Curriculum & e-Learning

Experimentation of e-Learning in Undergraduate Teaching based on Interactive Web Technologies


In Document 304/211, HKU clearly articulates that its aim of e-Learning strategy is “to enhance student learning through effective use of technologies”. In order to test and evaluate the effectiveness of various measures of e-Learning in undergraduate teaching and learning, from 2011 to 2013, a research team led by Dr. Yan Xiaojun conducted experimentation in three undergraduate courses. These experiments involved the testing and evaluation of the following e-Learning measures: (1) the use of interactive online course portal; (2) the use of interactive course discussion forum; (3) the use of course blog and; (4) the use of social media network. The research team explored the possibility and ways in which interactive web technologies can be utilized in undergraduate teaching and learning; (2) evaluated the impact of interactive web technologies on the quality of outcome based teaching and learning; (3) assessed the role of interactive web technologies in contributing to experiential learning; and (4) explored possibility in renovating the course-based online teaching platform with increased capability in interactive learning and experiential learning.

Principal Investigator

Dr. X. Yan, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social SciencesContact

Project level

Programme-level project

Project Completion

May 2013


  • Course Moodle site (Please contact Dr. X. Yan of Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, by email for access rights to the course website on Moodle.)