Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU

Teachers are invited to join the one-day programme ‘Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU’, organized by CETL which is being offered twice on September 15 and September 21, 2011, from 9:45 am to 4:00 pm.

This one-day programme is a foundation programme in teaching and learning at the University of Hong Kong and is designed for teaching staff, regardless of previous teaching experience, who are new to teaching at HKU. The overall aim is to provide new staff with a better understanding of specific issues relating to teaching in Hong Kong and at HKU.

Some of the topics include:
-HK and HKU education system, e.g. 4-year curriculum reform, common core curriculum, academic advising.
-Assessment policy
-Strategic direction of e-learning at HKU
-Students: their demography, culture, expectations and transition to university
-English as the medium of instruction, policy and implications
-Teaching related opportunities such as Teaching Development Grants and Teaching Awards
-Different teaching and learning evaluation in HKU and how to enhance student learning

The ‘Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU’ is a mandatory programme for all new academic and academic-related staff with full-time teaching responsibilities commencing on or after September 1, 2011, and should be taken within the first year of service and there are no exemptions.

For course details and online registration, please refer to the following link:

Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Eva Poon, CETL at 2859 8996 or email