Assessing Assessment by Professor Paul Engel

Message from Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education

You are cordially invited to attend the following joint seminar organized by the Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (IMHSE) and Department of Biochemistry:

Title: Assessing Assessment
Date: Monday, April 7, 2014
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: Seminar Room 3, G/F, Laboratory Block,
Faculty of Medicine Building

Speaker: Professor Paul Engel

About the speaker

Professor Engel has played an instrumental role in the university effort to build a good teaching quality assurance system in UCD for about 10 years. As a teacher, he is well recognized for his excellent teaching delivery in various universities including Sheffield, Oxford, Hong Kong and UCD to students of Biochemistry, Medicine, Engineering, Nursing and other Science subjects through lectures, tutorial sessions, and practical classes. He has served as External Examiner for numerous top universities in the world and in the UK, besides publishing two textbooks in Biochemistry.