Invitation: MSF Professional Humanitarian Workshop in March – Humanitarian Response in Emergencies

Message from Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre

Dear all,

Professional humanitarian workers from Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) will come to HKU and share with you about their stories and work in the frontline where medical and humanitarian aids are imminent.

Do come and exchange with them, or join their service initiatives to contribute for the betterment of humanity. Let’s equip yourself with the skills, knowledge and mindset in planning and managing your own service projects on poverty, global development, rural health, universal education, sustainable development, and many more!

MSF Professional Humanitarian Workshop in March:
Humanitarian Response in Emergencies

Date: 2 March 2015 (Monday)
Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Venue: T6, Meng Wah Complex
Speakers include: Luke Chu, Water and Sanitation Engineer (HKU Alumnus)

About the Workshop:
Experienced field workers will share how they work differently in various types of emergency response, how we adapt ourselves and work in natural disasters and for population affected by conflicts.

About the Speaker:
Luke Chu is a civil engineer. He joined MSF in 2011 and since then has worked in Afghanistan and South Sudan as a Water and Sanitation Technician.

Registration: (HKU Portal Login Required)

Ms. Karen Chiu ( / 2219 4994).