HKU praised in the Quality Assurance Council Audit Report


Dear colleagues, students, alumni and friends,

The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) has just released its Report of the second institutional Quality Audit of the University of Hong Kong. I am pleased to let you know that the Report is very positive and encouraging.

The QAC Audit Panel complimented HKU for its commitment to quality teaching and learning. The Report praises HKU for its high academic standards, for the Common Core Curriculum which has had a significant impact on the intellectual, social and ethical development of undergraduates across the University, for providing a wide range of formal and informal learning opportunities inclusive of international learning experiences, for offering a comprehensive range of student services promoting the holistic development of students, and for innovations in postgraduate education.

I wish to highlight the Report’s conclusion that “the University has a strong and widespread commitment to the quality of learning opportunities and has put in place an appropriate and comprehensive quality assurance and quality enhancement system that supports its over-arching strategic goal to be a leading international institution of higher learning. Dialogue between the Audit Panel and staff and students of the University revealed a reflective academic community committed to attaining world-class academic standards and an enhanced student experience.” The Audit did indeed provide an excellent opportunity for us to showcase the concerted effort of the entire University in upholding high academic standards and providing students with enriched and valuable learning experiences.

HKU has an established tradition of self-reflection and striving for excellence. The University will continue to build on its robust quality assurance and quality enhancement mechanisms with a view to continuously enhancing teaching and learning quality and the student learning experience. In formulating an action plan in response to the Audit Panel’s recommendations and suggestions, the University intends to reach out to relevant stakeholders for consultation. The key areas include articulation and promulgation of an overarching strategic approach to setting the academic standards of our awards, continued development of a conceptual framework to capture student achievement across the spectrum, and broadening of our strategy for internationalisation of the student learning environment. The Audit Report incorporating the University’s response is available on the Teaching and Learning website (

The overall success of the Audit belongs to the entire HKU family – my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to and participated in the exercise. With the ongoing support of staff, students, alumni and friends, I am confident that we will be able to take HKU’s teaching and learning to new heights under the strategic directions of Internationalisation, Innovation, Interdisciplinarity and Impact.

Professor Peter Mathieson
President and Vice-Chancellor