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[Students as Partners Series] Seminar 1: Students-as-Partners during COVID 19

Message from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

What will our students learn, do and remember from COVID-19? Learning should not and does not have to stop. In this sharing session, the presenters will share their experience of Hear This! A Festival of Radio Drama on Zoom run entirely online in May 2020. How a students-as-partners project which puts a ‘train the trainer’ model into action, is conceptualised, organised and implemented will be discussed. The ‘take away’ for students from this project in terms of them strengthening their portfolio of achievement and having a living artefact showing their contribution to education during COVID-19 will also be shared.

Date & Time : 11 November 2020 (Wed), 12:30 – 1:30pm
Venue : Conducted via Zoom
Student Presenters :
Didi, Di Heng Tse, (PDGE)
Mari Lam (BEcon and Finance, Year 4)
Alya Prasad (BEd and BSci Year 3)
Presenter : Ms. Tanya Kempston, Lecturer, Faculty of Education, HKU
Facilitator : Dr. Cecilia K Y Chan, CETL, HKU


For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau , CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email:​