Winter Sandbox Series: Creative Online and Hybrid Course Designing

Message from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite Course Coordinators at HKU to join our Winter Sandbox Series: Creative Online and Hybrid Course Designing, which aims at supporting Course Coordinators in their course designs in various aspects, including integrating effective online and blended learning components into their courses. 

The third session will be held on 7 January 2021 (Thursday). There will be a 20-minute presentation, followed by breakout room discussions facilitated by CETL academics. In the breakout rooms, TELi instructional designers and disciplinary experts will also provide support and feedback. 

Session 3: Humanising Technology in Online and Hybrid Learning  (12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 7 January 2021)

In the past 12 months, we swiftly move from face-to-face to entirely online, and some of us had a taste of what it feels like to teach in dual-mode/ hybrid mode. Even though our teaching modality changed, the need for connection and engagement becomes more evident. Technology provides bits and pieces of solutions; however, it is up to the teachers to connect these dots to give their students meaningful experiences. This session will explore easy-to-use apps and some of its basic features to improve collaboration and communication among teachers and students. We will look into practical tips to provide active learning experiences for your students and retain as much human connection as possible.

About the Series:

The Winter Sandbox consists of six sessions. Four hands-on sessions will allow space for creative thinking and expert feedback and time to workshop your iterative re-designs. The other two sessions will provide expert input on learning design and blended learning respectively.

We encourage participants to join all the sessions in this Series. Course Coordinators are recommended to bring their course templates and ideas for the Spring Semester (January-May) in 2021.


More information about the Winter Sandbox Series can be found here:

See you online!

Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning