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Summer Sandbox Series: Signature Pedagogies

“Message from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning”

Signature pedagogies refer to the “characteristic forms of teaching and learning that organize the fundamental ways in which future practitioners are educated for their new professions” (Shulman, 2005, p. 52). Different faculties in HKU are known for their signature pedagogies such as problem-based learning in clinical disciplines. Despite being rooted within a particular discipline, much can be learned from these signature pedagogies that could be potentially applied to our own teaching and learning. However, these signature pedagogies have mostly been designed and delivered in face-to-face mode. With the pandemic necessitating constant shifts among face-to-face, online, and hybrid modes of teaching and learning, signature pedagogies need to evolve in lockstep.

The Virtual Summer Sandbox consists of four sessions. All sessions will give the participants a space for creative thinking, expert feedback, and support. We shall adopt the following format:

  1. Presentation: This part will involve a presentation on key aspects of the signature pedagogy being featured.
  2. Group discussion: The second part will involve group discussions organized into theme-based breakout rooms allowing us the chance to join a community of learners.

Registration: link

More information about the Summer Sandbox Series can be found here

See you online!

Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning