Learning beyond Hong Kong has long been a key feature of undergraduate education at HKU. The University is well-positioned and resourced to open up more in-depth and meaningful opportunities for students to learn beyond Hong Kong. The Academic Development Proposal (ADP) 2016-19 commits the University to the following targets: “By 2019, 50% of all Ugs will engage in at least one learning experience overseas AND one in Mainland China … . We aim to increase this overseas and Mainland China experience for 100% of our students by 2022.”
The University hosts a vast range of mainland and international (ML/INT) learning opportunities, broadly categorized as follows:
- Exchange/Visiting
- Short-term Study/ Study Trip
- Practical Experience
- Service Experience
- Research Internship
- Student-initiated ML/INT Learning Activities
- HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme (HKUWW)
Visiting/ Short-term Study/ Study Trip:
- HKU Summer Institute
- Short Term Programmes
- HKU-Common Purpose Leadership Development Programme
- HKJC-HKU Nurturing Global Leaders Programme
Practice Experience and Internship:
- Organized by Faculties/ Departments: please approach Faculty/ Department Offices for details
- Organized by CEDARS: http://apps.cedars.hku.hk/overseas/details.asp#timeline
- Organized by Student Societies: please approach Student Societies for details
Service Experience:
- Organized by Faculties: please approach Faculty/ Department Offices for details
- Organized by CEDARS: http://wp.cedars.hku.hk/web/sd/
- Organized by Student Societies: please approach Student Societies for details
Research Internship:
Student-initiated ML/INT Learning Opportunities:
Students and student societies are welcome to publicize ML/INT learning opportunities they are organizing on this webpage, please send us your request by completing and returning the proforma at least five working days before the intended advertisement date.
Business & Economics
Social Sciences
China Affairs Office
A number of scholarships and various forms of financial aid are available for students undertaking ML/INT learning opportunities.
Scholarships for Semester Exchange
Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students
Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme
University Financial Assistance (for local students only) – under CEDARS
First-in-the-Family Education Fund (FIF Fund) – under CEDARS
Students are strongly advised to consult the Travel Health Clinic of University Health Service at least 6 weeks before departure to obtain health advice and receive the necessary vaccinations. Please bear in mind that some vaccines need weeks to take effect, and some are given in series. For more information and booking arrangements, please visit: http://www.uhs.hku.hk/he/travel_health/main.html
Students are reminded to undertake comprehensive health, accident, personal property and travel insurances for the entire period of study abroad, especially if they are planning to travel for personal leisure purpose during the study period.
Travel Insurance
All HKU undergraduate students are covered by a group travel insurance (HKU portal login required) undertaken by the University for going on exchange programmes or overseas trips approved/arranged by the University. All travel insurance policies, including the one provided by the University, offer a maximum coverage period of 183 consecutive days for overseas travel. If a study abroad programme lasts longer than 183 days, students must purchase an additional insurance policy that provides a full year of coverage at their own expense. For more information about the study abroad insurance scheme, please contact the Finance and Enterprises Office (FEO) at feo_insurance@hku.hk. Students can request a Certificate of Travel Insurance from HKU’s insurer. To initiate this process, please fill out the eForm titled “Request for Certificate of Travel Insurance (For Students)” available on the FEO website at https://intraweb.hku.hk/local/finance/student/insurance.html. The insurer typically takes about 5 working days to issue the certificate.
Health Insurance
Students should make sure that they have met the health requirements of the host country before departing. Check out medical insurance coverage with the International Office of the host university. If the coverage is inadequate, or if the host university does not offer a compulsory medical plan, it is advisable to get private medical insurance. Most travel insurances also include a medical coverage for sickness. But make sure about the coverage and limits. Most of the coverage is also strictly on a reimbursement basis.
Emergency Assistance When Travelling Outside of Hong Kong
HKU has engaged Europ Assistance Hong Kong, a provider of travel safety and security assistance, to offer 24/7 global support for students before and during their travels. This includes advice on medical and travel security risks, as well as immediate assistance by phone for locating nearby police stations, pharmacies, doctors, and consulates. Students can reach Europ Assistance Hong Kong at their 24/7 hotline: +852 2861 9266. It is strongly recommended that students create an account using their HKU email address at the GardaWorld Travel Security registration portal prior to traveling outside of Hong Kong. A quick guideline is available for download on the GardaWorld Travel Security website. Please note that Europ Assistance Hong Kong does not function as an insurance company and does not provide compensation or financial support under insurance terms.
Regarding urgent or emergency assistance that incurs costs, students should refer to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of HKU’s Travel Insurance Policy. For such requests, please contact AIG (the insurer) at their 24-hour Travel Guard Assistance Hotline: +852 3516 8699, and provide the HKU policy number “GPP2001042.”
Other Useful Resources
Travel Health Service, HKU University Health Service: Students are advised to consult the University Health Service for health and vaccination advice before departure. To submit booking request to the Travel Health Service or subscribe a Traveller’s Medical Pack, please visit https://www.uhs.hku.hk/travel_health_service_providers/.
Outbound Travel Alert (OTA): Students can gain insights into personal safety risks before travelling to various countries and territories by consulting the Outbound Travel Alert (link to https://www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota/) from the Security Bureau of the HKSAR Government.
Outbound Travel Information (ROTI): Before leaving Hong Kong, students are encouraged to use the HKSAR Government’s online service for registering their contact information and itinerary. This service also provides updates on Outbound Travel Alerts (OTA) (https://www.gov.hk/en/residents/immigration/outsidehk/roti.htm) and related public information.
Travel Health Service, Department of Health, HKSAR: Students can find travel health news, tips, and information at the HKSAR Travel Health Service website (https://www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/index.html).
Assistance to Hong Kong Residents by HKSAR: Students should review the details provided under Assistance Outside Hong Kong (https://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/Assistance_Outside_Hong_Kong.html) and note the 24-Hour Hotline for Assistance to Hong Kong Residents: +852 1868.
HKU Horizons Office: Room 136, 1/F, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
Telephone: 2857 8539
Email: horizons@hku.hk