Quality Assurance Council Audit, 2015
Quality Assurance Council Audit, 2015

HKU’s high academic standards commended in the second QAC Audit Report
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) welcomes the Report of the second institutional Quality Audit by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC), which was released on May 16, 2016. The Report confirms that teaching and learning attain high academic standards at all levels of the University. We are gratified by the many commendations and positive comments in the Audit Report.
HKU is extremely pleased with the appreciation expressed in the Report of our strong and unwavering commitment to providing quality learning opportunities, our robust approach to quality assurance and quality enhancement across taught and research programmes, and our reflective teaching and learning community which is devoted to attaining world-class academic standards.
As acknowledged in the Report, the first audit theme, “Enhancing the student learning experience”, is integral to our strategic development. HKU’s formal curriculum is complemented by rich co-/extra-curricular activities, residential education and a diversified range of student activities. In particular, the Report commends the Common Core Curriculum for its significant impact on the intellectual, social and ethical development of all undergraduates. The Report also recognises our comprehensive range of formal and informal learning opportunities as well as our integrated network of student services.
The second audit theme, “Global engagements: strategies and current developments”, is embedded in every facet of HKU life. The Report commends not only our well-articulated global engagement aims, strategies, funding and services, but also our provision of meaningful international learning experiences to a large and growing number of students.
The Report fully acknowledges HKU’s strength in attracting the highest performing students to our undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. It finds HKU graduates enjoy considerable success in the workplace and in academic careers in high-ranking universities around the world. It further acknowledges HKU’s relentless commitment to adding value to its education provision so as to ensure that these excellent students are able to gain the maximum benefit from the totality of their learning experiences.
The Report also identifies several areas for improvement on which the University has started to prepare an action plan. They include articulation and promulgation of an overarching strategic approach to setting the academic standards of our awards, continued development of a conceptual framework to capture student achievement across the spectrum, and broadening of our strategy for internationalisation of the student learning environment.
The President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Mathieson, is very pleased with the Report. He said: “The University is greatly encouraged by the multiple commendations, and also appreciates the recommendations and suggestions in the Report. We are very happy to take on board the Audit Panel’s findings, which will certainly facilitate further enhancement of our teaching and learning enabling us to reach even greater heights. As a leading global university, we will continue to strive for academic excellence and to contribute to the advancement of society and the development of leaders through local, regional and global engagement.”