Data Speaks

Data Speak
HKU strives for continuous improvement in Teaching and Learning and takes student feedback seriously. To measure the effectiveness of our programmes and courses, we solicit regular feedback from students, graduates and employers:
Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL)
Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL) is one of the key mechanisms for the University to gather feedback from students on the courses that they have taken. The Teaching and Learning Quality Committee oversees the design and implementation of SFTL questionnaires. Course effectiveness scores are accessible to teachers and students via the Student Information System.
Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ)
Every year, all first-, second- and final-year undergraduate students are invited to complete the SLEQ. The aim of this survey is to collect data about students’ perceptions of their achievement of the University’s educational aims and their learning experience at HKU.
At the postgraduate level, the SLEQ collects student perceptions of the curriculum and the learning outcomes resulting from the programme.
Other Institutional Surveys
- Graduate Learning Experience Questionnaire (GLEQ)
Once every two years, HKU conducts the Graduate Learning Experience Questionnaire (GLEQ). Two different cohorts are invited in each round and the survey findings are used to inform curriculum renewal and development at HKU. - Employer Survey
Surveys are conducted with HKU graduates’ employers every three years to understand their impressions of HKU graduates. - Other Surveys
Other HKU institutional surveys of student learning experience, such as international education, experiential learning, e-learning and the first-year learning experience, are conducted from time to time.
The University’s Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) conducts all these surveys, analysing the data, reporting the findings and maintaining and operating a centralized online system. Findings are provided to Faculties, and are taken into account in reviewing courses, curriculum and pedagogy.
For further details, please visit TALIC’s website.

Course Evaluation
Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL)

Programme Evaluation

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