Seminar: What is meant by Quality Teaching in Higher Education? – Nov 16

Message from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Speaker: Professor Michael Prosser, Visiting Professor, CETL, HKU
Date: 16th November, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 12:45 pm – 2 pm
Venue: Room 322, Run Run Shaw Building

We often talk about quality teaching in higher education. We talk about quality assurance of teaching. We talk about how to evaluate quality teaching. We talk about how to support and develop quality teaching. We talk about how we can recognise and reward quality teaching. However, we rarely talk about what we mean by quality teaching. In this presentation, I wish to argue that quality teaching in higher education is teaching which affords high quality student learning. But what is high quality student learning in higher education and how can it be afforded? I will outline a model of teaching and learning, outline some of the research into the variation in the ways teachers approach their teaching in higher education, and show how this variation is related to the ways in which students approach their learning. I will conclude with a view on what constitute high quality teaching in higher education.

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