Campus Internationalization and Integration Funding Scheme (CEDARS)

IMGL3868-2Campus Internationalization and Integration Funding Scheme (Scheme) is established by the University Grants Committee to support new initiatives of internationalization and engagement with Mainland China. The Scheme is administered by the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) to support projects or activities initiated, planned and organized by students to facilitate integration between local and non-local students in higher education.


The Scheme aims to achieve the objectives below:

  1. To enhance students’ awareness on globalization and diversity; and
  2. To promote intercultural understanding and facilitate integration between local and non-local students of different cultural backgrounds for them to interact and learn from each other

Amount of Subsidies

The maximum amount to be granted to each project is HK$100,000.

Award Criteria

The Scheme finances projects organized by full-time local and non-local students, either on individual or group basis, to facilitate integration between local and non-local students in 2013- 14 and 2014-15 academic years. The projects should be of distinguishable nature that promotes campus integration.

Students from both local and non-local origins can organize and/or participate in the funded projects. The majority of students in each project team should be taking UGC-funded programmes.

Some examples of activities envisaged include visits to schools, community services for social welfare groups, hostel debating competition, movie screening, artwork exhibition, talent contests, TED talks, drama production etc. Intellectual, quasi-intellectual, culturally enhancing projects and inter-institutional collaborations will be highly valued.

Inter-institutional collaborations are encouraged. For such projects, students are required to elect a coordinator from among themselves and the institution where the coordinator is studying at will assess the project and provide the funding, if selected.

The criteria for award include:

  1. Anticipated impact on facilitating student integration in relation to the objectives of the Scheme;
  2. Active and extensive participation of both local and non-local students;
  3. Anticipated number of students taking part;
  4. Originality and innovativeness of the Project; and
  5. Benefits to the community, if any.

Application Procedure

Applications should be submitted to on/before 5 January 2014 (Sunday). Only one round of selection will be conducted each year. Applications and proposals should contain the following information and details:

  1. Title of the project;
  2. Objectives of the project;
  3. Project/activity description;
  4. Format and schedule of activities (date, time, duration and venue, etc.);
  5. Expected number of local and non-local students taking part;
  6. Expected outcomes, achievements, impact and contributions of the Project;
  7. Information of the partner organization (if any);
  8. Method of project evaluation;
  9. Budget; and
  10. Information and CV(s) of the project coordinator(s).

Projects should be carried out during the period from January 2013 to June 2015.

Conditions of Award

The Scheme is a token subsidy and does not mean to assist any student/ student group to generate income or profit. It can be held concurrently with other subsidies and sponsorships. However, applicants are required to declare and report on details of any subsidies and sponsorships already received at the time of application or as soon as they are awarded.

Subsidies will be paid in the form of reimbursement upon successful completion of the project, presentation of original receipts and evaluation report. Disbursement of funding in advance or early reimbursement requires the approval of CEDARS.

The report should include:

  1. An account of activities carried out;
  2. Outcome(s) of the project;
  3. The number of participating students and a profile of their background by countries of origins
  4. Feedback and evaluation by students;
  5. The use of the subsidy awarded;
  6. The obstacles encountered and areas for improvement;
  7. A financial statement with the original receipts; and
  8. Publications, video or photo CD, if any.

The UGC and CEDARS may use the materials provided in the report for publicity and reporting purposes.

Students of the projects which best achieve the objective of integration will assist The University of Hong Kong to help spread the importance of the initiatives of internationalization and engaging the Mainland in the higher education sector.

Important Notes for Applicants

1. Retrospective application will NOT be considered.

2. Submission of incorrect/incomplete information may cause delay/disqualification. Moreover, a successful applicant will be disqualified and/or, where appropriate, be required to refund the subsidy if he/she provides any false or misleading information to CEDARS.


Centre of Development and Resources for Students (Student Development) / 2857 8387

GHELC E-newsletter Issue 6: Experiential Education in Higher Education: An Experience Sharing


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are honored to have invited Dr. Sheri Dressler of University of Central Florida, United States, to share her experience and illustrate the pivotal role of experiential learning in higher education in this issue. In addition, the slides and video of our seminar “Evidence of Experiential Learning” by Professor Dai Hounsell, Vice-Principal for Assessment and Feedback at the University of Edinburgh, have been uploaded to our website for sharing.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Faculties and professionals who have been supporting us greatly. Happy holidays and have a wonderful 2014!

Best regards,

Dr. Albert Ko


Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre

The University of Hong Kong

Read the E-newsletter