An Experiential Perspective to Investigate The Extent of Open Reform in North Korea


Date: 17 April 2015 (Fri)
Time: 12:45 – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Steve Chung (鐘樂偉) (Assistant Lecturer of CUHK Global Studies Programme, PhD Candidate at Hallym University (韓國翰林大學), a well-known blogger on Korean affairs, author of the book

Rubio Chan (Founder of Eastern Vision, a HK-based political and economic tour organiser for students and young people worldwide. Rubio has led 6 tours to North Korea over the last 2 years and have witnessed first hand the recent changes in the country)

Ever since the incumbent leader Kim Jong-un took power, signs of reforms and opening up are becoming obvious. Through the talk, rumours or doubts about North Korea would be debunked with a new insight about the country’s recent development. There are open reforms slowly taking place with which changes may or may not be observable from outsiders. The talk will also touch upon if tourism a useful tool to engage the North Korean people, and to discuss if there are other ways or factors that may impose changes to the country.

Area of expertise
South Korea Society and Popular Culture, Politics of Inter-Korean Relations, Foreign Policy of North Korea, International Relations in Northeast Asia.


HKU02.1x: The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia – Sneak Preview 4

The choice of materials and construction process all contribute to the meanings of vernacular buildings which extend beyond what can be seen by the naked eye. Week 4 of the course will focus on the relationship between building materials, structures and the associated expertise and rituals in vernacular architecture. The course is free and begins on April 14. Enroll today!

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