Peer learning plays a great role in sharpening our professionalism. On May 19, 2016, colleagues from the Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform (KEEP), the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) and the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE) based at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) visited us and shared how e-learning is done in our sister institution.

We kicked off the event by playing two videos that showcase not only our productions but also the behind-the-scenes of our daily work. With a good laugh, we started our intellectual exchange session with discussions to identify the key obstacles faced by the two e-learning teams. As e-learning materials makers, we often work with teachers who are exceptional in teaching a class but not as comfortable talking to a camera. It was agreed that creating a similar setting to classroom and providing adequate training and rehearsals are effective ways to ease up the tension. The KEEP team also shared with us the equipment and facilities they use for e-learning production and their home-grown systems such as uReply and VeriGuide.

The discussion continued over a delightful lunch, which was followed by a visit to our “arsenal” where all our productions are crafted. The KEEP team was amazed by our lively offices and the close bonding of the team, which echo with Professor Ricky Kwok’s quotation of Mencius: 天時不如地利 地利不如人和 (Time isn’t as important as the terrain, but the terrain isn’t as important as unity with the people).

The KEEP team parted with the promise of a BBQ event in CUHK in the near future. So, to be continued……

Afternote: KEEP is an initiative developed by ‎CUHK‬ in collaboration with all UGC-funded institutions in Hong Kong. It provides a single gateway to online learning content around the globe. Learn more here:‬