Online Assessment for Teaching and Learning: Why Bother? And Where to Start?

Date : 18 March 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue : To be held virtually by Zoom
Speaker : Dr Leon Lei, Ms Crystal Luo, Ms. Sharon Keung

Registration link:

Same as other dimensions of teaching and learning, course assessment has been digitizing extensively since the past decade. Despite multiple-choice question banks, technology solutions such as online proctoring, sophisticated essay marking (e.g. Turnitin GradeMark), peer-grading systems (e.g. Turnitin PeerMark) have been introduced for online learning. Meanwhile, there is a pressing need for teachers to evaluate students’ performance within and beyond the campus. Teachers may worry conducting such online assessment requires high digital literacy skills, some also worry online learning may include the risk of incurring academic misconduct behaviour in online learning.

Through the workshop, participants are expected to have a reflection on better practices and design considerations in online assessment. Upon completion of this seminar, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the potential and affordances of online assessment
  • Understand the mechanism of conducting basic online test proctoring
  • Design an assignment or a quiz activity on HKU Moodle