Conducting Online Lessons in Classrooms

The new teaching arrangement of the upcoming semester will be a combination of offline and online teaching using various tools such as Zoom, MS Teams, Panopto and Moodle. Teachers that taught students in an exclusively offline setting may find the transition to online teaching daunting and foreign to them. In order to facilitate the transition, we have produced a step-by-step video for all the different tools and methods that teachers can use to conduct, record and upload their lectures.

In this video, we will demonstrate how you can conduct a dual-mode (f2f and online) teaching at HKU step-by-step. We will show you how to start an online class, how to enable video and audio sources before and during the class, how to share your screen/PowerPoint and ways to record your lecture via Zoom and Panopto. We will also explicate the steps to upload your lecture/video to Moodle and provide tips on hosting a lecture with students in class and online.

Video timestamps
1. Start an Online Class 00:10
   1.1 Join an Online Meeting via Moodle 00:10
   1.2 Check Audio and Video Sources 00:41
   1.3 Share Computer Screen / PowerPoint 01:49
2. Record Your Zoom Online Class 2:13
3. Upload Your Zoom Recording to Moodle 03:00
4. Effortless Online Class Recording and Sharing Using Panopto 03:59
5. More Ways to Engage Students in an Online Class 05:23

For details of using the MS Teams block and Zoom block in Moodle courses, please refer to the following user guides prepared by ITS:

At TELI, we work closely with teachers and students to maximize the use of e-learning tools. Please check out other resources available at the teaching and learning website. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at our Whatsapp Hotline (+852 6437-8034 /

Written by Ms Hanah Fjelddahl and Mr Sunny Kong