Project Mingde Student Association – Members Recruitment

Message from HKU Horizons Office

This message is sent on behalf of Project Mingde Student Association.

Project Mingde Student Association – Members Recruitment

Dear students,

Project Mingde was established in 2003, with “We grow as we build” as our motto upholding HKU’s. Project Mingde provides a platform for students to participate in hands-on multi- disciplinary civil engineering projects and to serve impoverished communities in the Mainland.

Since our establishment, we have delivered 11 projects across Mainland China and Vietnam, including pedestrian bridges, dormitory, educational building and swimming pool. We are currently running 2 projects in Guangxi, namely the “Duling Primary School Composite Building” and “Dynamic Analysis of Wangdong Bridge”. Apart from project works, PMSA has conducted several engineering software workshops, site visits and voluntary teaching/ visit trips in rural regions.

We are now recruiting new members. Regardless of your academic year and faculties, ALL students interested are welcome to join us by registering via

Project Mingde offers valuable learning opportunities, making your university life more fruitful and meaningful. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through

Best regards,
Project Mingde Student Association
Session 2020 – 2021
Facebook page:
Official website



明德工程成立於2003年,以「建屋育人」為宗旨,讓大學同學參加跨學科助建工作, 協助內地貧困社區興建學校及基礎設施。

成立至今,明德工程已在內地及越南完成共11個項目,當中包括行人橋、宿舍、教學 樓、泳池等等。現時在廣西亦分別有「貴港小學綜合樓」及「汪洞橋動態結構分析」 兩個進行中的項目。我們亦有舉辦工程軟件工作坊、實地考察及內地山區義教暨考察團,擴闊同學們的視野。

明德工程學生會現正招募成員。不拘就讀年級及學系,任何有興趣的同學都可以經以下 Google 表格報名 (。

明德工程不但提供寶貴的學習經驗,還能使你的大學生活更有意義和充實,請把握機會報名。如有任何疑問,歡迎電郵至( 查詢。我們期待你的參與!

二零二零至二零二一年度 明德工程學生會
