Launch of the brand new SDGs@HKU website!

Message from Common Core Office

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new SDGs@HKU website!

The SDGs@HKU is a virtual platform that allows users to actively explore campus facilities that promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in HKU. It is a faculty-student-industry partnership – the campus map was hand drawn by a local 14-year old graphic artist and content curated by our talented HKU students.

Everyone can become a stakeholder in sustainable development across all the SDGs. In this website, you can check your knowledge about local and global sustainability strategies, learn fun ways to start a sustainable lifestyle, and download images of HKU’s initiatives and use them in your online meetings to pass the word around! You can also leave us feedback to start a dialog on sustainable development!

Please also feel free to leave us comments / questions at