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HKU Horizons Experience Award 2024-25

HKU Horizons Experience Award

The University of Hong Kong is committed to being Asia’s Global University and to providing students with a ‘total learning experience’ combining both disciplinary specialization and broad-based engagement with current and global issues. Teaching and learning is underpinned by three pillars – internationalization, innovation and interdisciplinary – in order to achieve impact.

In support of internationalization, the University has launched the HKU Horizons endeavor, with the specific aims to promote and provide educationally meaningful and robust Mainland and international (ML/INT) learning experience for undergraduate students. Awards are being established to encourage students to reflect on and to share their ML/INT learning experience, with a view to promoting and publicizing the HKU Horizons endeavor. 

Details of the Award

  • The award shall be known as the HKU Horizons Experience Award.
  • The Award competition shall be held annually in January.
  • There shall be three awards – with a top prize of $10,000 and two further prizes of $5,000 to be awarded.
  • The Awards shall be made to undergraduate students who shall submit a video of not more than three minutes capturing and reflecting on their ML/INT learning experience. Submissions may be made on an individual or a group basis.
  • Selection shall be made on the basis of the substance and value of the learning experience captured and also the quality of the video presentation.
  • The winning videos, acknowledged as “HKU Horizons Experience”, may be used by the university for promotional purposes, both internal and external. The student producer, individual or group, will be acknowledged as appropriate. The videos may also be refined as appropriate and authorised by the Horizons Committee.
  • Any of the awards shall be withheld in any year in which submission(s) are judged to be of insufficient merit.

Administrative Arrangements

  • The HKU Horizons Committee, supported by Horizons Office, shall oversee the management of the Awards.
  • The Awards shall be administered by Horizons Office and awarded by a Selection Committee comprising:
    • Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) and his/her designate (Chairperson); and
    • two members from the Horizons Committee.
  • The regulations of the Award may be revised subject to review by the Horizons Committee to meet future circumstances.

2024-25 Round

  • The 2024-25 Round of competition will be open from  February 1 – 28, 2025Undergraduate students who are interested in joining the competition are invited to submit a video of not more than three minutes in English capturing and reflecting on their Mainland or international learning experience. Submissions may be made on an individual or a group basis.
  • Please upload your entry to YouTube and fill in the online form, providing:
    • the name(s) of the participant(s)
    • curriculum and year of study
    • name of the Mainland or international programme concerned
    • contact detailsviz., email and contact number
    • YouTube link of the video (Upon uploading your video, please select “unlist” to avoid publication of your video on YouTube and provide English subtitles for any video content that is not in English)