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Quality Assurance Council Audit Report on HKU

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

Dear colleagues, students and alumni

The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) has published its Report on the third institutional Quality Audit of the University of Hong Kong. I am very pleased to inform you that the Report is highly positive.

The QAC Audit Panel acknowledges the University’s efforts in reviewing and enriching our education provision and enhancing our quality mechanisms. Its Report notes that the University has effective systems in place for managing academic standards and quality across all programme levels. It recognises our strengths in external engagement, as well as global and local benchmarking. It also acknowledges our comprehensive policies and procedures for programme development, approval, monitoring and review, and the clear academic governance frameworks at the University and HKU SPACE.

Regarding teaching and learning (T&L) enhancement, the Panel recognises the University’s commitment to continuously reviewing and improving T&L in both face-to-face and virtual T&L contexts, noting the effectiveness of the University’s arrangements in this regard.

The University values the Panel’s acknowledgment that externality is comprehensively embedded within quality assurance processes, resulting in significant local and global benchmarking that enhances programmes and the curricula. The Panel also highlights the array of professional development activities offered by the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) to effectively support academic staff throughout their careers, as well as the quality support services provided by the Centre of Development and Resources for Students. The University is committed to fair, transparent and rigorous assessment. We are very pleased to note the Panel’s compliments of TALIC’s comprehensive support which enhances the diversification of assessment practice across the University, and of the robust regulatory processes of HKU and HKU SPACE. The Panel views the development of the Student Information System and its integration with the Learning Management System positively for identifying students who may need additional support.

The Audit Report, along with the University’s response, is accessible on the Teaching and Learning website ( This Audit has provided us with a very constructive opportunity to reflect on our T&L provision at all levels and showcase our collective efforts and achievements. I extend my gratitude to all for your dedication to T&L excellence, and for enhancing the quality of our academic programmes and services.

Best wishes, Ian

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
The University of Hong Kong