Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Assessment and Feedback

Developing Reflective Skills and Assessing the Self-assessment Ability of Dental Students through the Teaching of Implant Dentistry


Clinicians are faced on a daily basis with complex problems and need to make fast decisions that can seriously affect the long-term quality of life of patients. Such decisions require not only a good background in theoretical and research evidence, but also skills critical for decision making, which are developed through structured and gradual exposure to actual scenarios, supported with adequate feedback. Furthermore, the ability to maintain a professional practice of life-long learning is one of the key qualities of the modern physician and one of the major priorities of the curricula of the faculty of Dentistry of HKU. The overall objective of this project was to develop a structured methodology for the development and assessment of reflective skills of dental students. This methodology was based on the theoretical framework of previous work with assessing self-assessment ability, while adjusted for an on-line, student-centred and student paced learning environment. This was made possible through a digital curriculum in Implant Dentistry, which was structured to guide the students to engage in a reflective dialogue, aiming to gradually help them practice and improve their self assessment skills together with professional competences. Part of the learning environment is now open for a global audience through a Massive Open Online Course, while some modules remain restricted to HKU students.

Principal Investigator

Dr. N. Mattheos, Faculty of Dentistry Contact

Project level

Programme-level project

Project Completion

December 2016


  1. A contemporary, evidence based, modular digital curriculum in Implant Dentistry.
    Access: part of the Curriculum (5 modules) is open and free accessible through a Massive Open Online Course available at:
  2. An interactive, web-based, database driven learning platform.
  3. A digital repository of clinical cases, relevant Multimedia and Clinical Videos.