Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects
Completed TDG Projects
Diverse Learning Experience
Student-Centered Learning Facilitated by Cooperative Simulation Games on Wireless Mobile Devices
In this teaching development project, we aim to achieve the following project objectives:
- to carefully design, implement and test a pilot simulation game based on the domain of Information Technology as a prototype to actualize and realize the possible advantages of digital-game based learning (DGBL) in tertiary education of the Engineering discipline in general;
- to carefully evaluate the benefits/shortcomings of our above homegrown simulation games through questionnaires and interviews with students within the Department of EEE and possibly later extended to the whole Faculty when sufficient resource is secured, or suitable funding opportunities arise.
After an initial prototype system was built on both the desktop and pocket PC environments, a preliminary evaluation was conducted. With a detailed analysis, our work was published and presented in the following 2 international conferences about the uses of IT in Education, for which local/overseas educators/researchers have expressed strong interests in the system design of our TDG game as well as its potential applications and evaluation results. Later, our work was also invited for publications as book chapters.
Principal InvestigatorDr. V.W.L. Tam, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of EngineeringContact |
Project levelFaculty-level project |
Project CompletionAugust 2008 |
Deliverables (HKU Portal Login Required)
- "An Interactive Simulation Game to Enhance Learners’ Experience on Mobile Devices" Download
Vincent Tam, Alvin C.M. Kwan, C.H. Leung, Lawrence Yeung and Zexian Liao Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning (ICT 2007), Hong Kong, July 9 – 10, 2007. - "Developing An Interactive Game Platform to Promote Learning and Teamwork on Mobile Devices: An Experience Report" Download
Vincent Tam, Z.X. Liao, Alvin C.M. Kwan, C.H. Leung, Lawrence Yeung Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Teaching Technologies (ICALT 2008) [ISBN: 978-0-7695-3167-0], pp. 366-368, the IEEE Computer Society Press, Santander, Cantabria, Spain, July 1 – 5, 2008. - "An Interactive Simulation Game to Enhance Learners’ Experience on Ubiquitous Computing Devices" Download
Vincent Tam, Zexian Liao, C.H. Leung, Lawrence Yeung and Alvin Kwan In the book of "Advanced Learning" [ISBN 978-953-307-010-0], edited by Raquel HijónHeira, pages 141 – 152, the I-Tech Education and Publishing, Kirchengasse 43/3, A-1070 Vienna, Austria, EU, December 2009. - "An Extendible Simulation Game to Promote Team Spirit on Mobile Computing Devices" Download
Vincent Tam, Zexian Liao, C.H. Leung, Lawrence Yeung and Alvin Kwan In the book of "Open Source Mobile Learning: Mobile Linux Applications" [ISBN13: 978-1-6096-0614-5, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-613-8] (http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/titledetails.aspx?TitleId=47444), edited by Dr. Lee Chao, published by the IGI Global, (to be available in) March, 2011.