Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Diverse Learning Experience

Support for Experiential Learning Programme for Earth Sciences Students


The proposal is intended to support the Department of Earth Sciences’ initiatives to enhance the experiential learning component of the curriculum for students in Earth Sciences. The Department endeavours to integrate experiential learning experience into the core. The Department proposes to organize a professional training programme, entailing the following activities:

  1. Earth Science Career Forum,
  2. Internship, and
  3. Industrial mentorship

It is the intention of the proposal to develop the activities into annual events.

The programme served as pilot for the Faculty of Science’s experiential learning programme, which has now become a requirement for all BSc students.

Principal Investigators

Professor J.C. Aitchison, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science
Professor L.S. Chan, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of ScienceContact

Project level

Faculty-level project

Project Completion

September 2008


The following Professional Training Programmes have served as pilot for the Faculty’s experiential learning programme, and have now become a requirement for all BSc Students:

Earth Science Career Forum
An event that invites industrial representatives to present seminars on job nature and real work environment.

Both Year 2 and 3 students were arranged to work at mentoring firms as student interns either for up to three weeks during the winter break or two months during summer. The programme has now extended to selected Year 1 students.

Industrial Mentorship
Students who successfully complete the internship will be assigned a mentor from the industry in order to enable him or her to maintain dialogue with practitioners in the industry.