Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Experiential Learning

Development, Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of a Longitudinal Programme for Early Student Experiential Learning of Professionalism


As a necessary area of competence for students aspiring for any career dependent on interaction with people, the awareness and learning of professionalism from an early stage is important. This TDG enabled the development, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a new programme for undergraduate medical students aimed at nurturing attributes of medical professionalism. The longitudinal programme was structured around early attachments to primary care doctors and linked to other parts of the MBBS curriculum including medical ethics and medical humanities. The first year of this planned 3-year programme was successfully completed in the 2012-13 academic year. Preliminary evaluation results have been promising with students demonstrating a multifaceted conception of professionalism, improved understanding, but surprisingly, a less positive attitude towards professionalism over time. A longer term follow-up of this cohort is planned.

Principal Investigator

Dr. J.Y. Chen, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Contact

Project level

Faculty-level project

Project Completion

January 2014


  1. An on-going programme that integrates the explicit learning of professionalism in a clinical setting with professionalism learning in other parts of the curriculum including medical ethics, medical humanities and problem-based learning.  It is built into the 2012 curriculum reform plans of the medical faculty. Download
  2. A handbook and practical guide for the teaching and learning of professionalism for clinical teachers in the community Download
  3. Presentations and research reports for sharing of experience and project findings with the Faculty, University and international academic communities as outlined in the plan for dissemination of project findings Download