Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

IT in the Curriculum and E-learning

Development of a Project Based E-learning Module for the Teaching and Learning of “Introduction to Building Technology”


Introduction to Building technology is a Faculty Foundation Course to Year 1 students of Surveying, Conservation, Urban Studies and Landscape Architecture, and an elective to students of Architecture students of Architecture Faculty. In 2015-16, there were 180 + students enrolled for this course.

A teaching development grant was awarded to develop an integrated project for the course to facilitate students better understand the role of various disciplines in the application of building technology. Professional input was incorporated in the development and delivery of the module, and it was expected that students’ attitude would be enhanced in learning building construction by facilitating knowledge sharing among students via the e-learning platform.

After taking the course, students indicated that the integrated project and grouping of students from various programmes enhanced their knowledge of roles of different professionals. Also, the completion of assignments and the integrated project helped them better understand and motivated in studying building technology.

The 2015-16 scores from SETL in course effectiveness and teacher effectiveness recorded an increase of 8.2% and 5.0% respectively compared with the results one year ago.

Principal Investigator

Dr. F.F. Ng, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of ArchitectureContact

Project level

Programme-level project

Project Completion

September 2016


  1. The report will be submitted to the Sub-Committee on Teaching and Learning of Faculty of Architecture. Download
  2. The findings would be uploaded onto the HKU teaching and learning website.
  3. The results would be distributed to colleagues teaching civil engineering and building services engineering for information and exchange of teaching experience.