Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

IT in the Curriculum and E-learning

Flipping an Advanced Programming Course


This project aims at developing a flipped advanced programming course offered to the students who have taken an introductory programming course. In learning programming, it is crucial to have a lot of practices to realize the theories learned in lectures. In an advanced course, as students have background, they can pick up new knowledge quickly. In this project, we want to develop appropriate course structure and materials such that students can be benefited from the extensive hands-on programming exercises with the guidance of the instructors after learning new programming techniques through video lectures. This course allows us to understand the costs and benefits of flipping a class. By introducing different forms of performance evaluations in the course, we could understand how students who took different introductory programming courses perform. The studies would help to further enhance our programming courses in various levels.

Principal Investigator

Dr. K.S. Lui, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Contact

Project level

Programme-level project

Project Completion

May 2017


  1. Course materials
    The course materials can be accessed from https://learning.hku.hk/catalog/course/elec3542/
  2. Research papers
    We have submitted several research papers and are preparing some others. They will be accessible through the digital libraries when accepted and published.
  3. Student interview
    We have compiled a clip of a student interview. It is available in Download .