Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Assessment and Feedback

Improving Assessment Practices for Legal Education


This research aims to enhance the quality of legal education at HKU through exploring new assessment practices. Through exploring appropriate and innovative assessment methods, this project will contribute significantly to the teaching and learning in legal education at HKU. This project will critically evaluate current assessment practices for legal education adopted in overseas common law jurisdictions and identify their strengths and weaknesses. In particular, it will conduct a systematic review of the assessment practices for legal education adopted in six overseas common law jurisdictions. As the research findings should also be useful to other disciplines at HKU, the effective assessment practices identified and tried in this project will be shared so as to support assessment in other disciplines at HKU. A symposium on assessment practices for legal education will also be organized to facilitate dissemination and sharing of good practices in assessment within HKU.

Principal Investigator

Dr. R.W.S. Wu, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of LawContact

Project level

Faculty-level project

Project Completion

March 2011

Deliverables (HKU Portal Login Required)

  1. A survey report on the assessment practices for legal education in six overseas common law jurisdictions.Download
  2. A conference paper “Promoting Reflective Learning in Legal Education: the Hong Kong Experience” presented at the Inaugural Conference of  East Asian Law and Society, Hong Kong, 5-6 February 2010 (NB: this conference paper was selected  for publication as a book chapter (forthcoming)).
  3. A conference paper titled “Improving Assessment Practices in Hong Kong Legal Education:  Lessons From Other Common Law Jurisdictions”, presented at Law and Society Conference, Chicago, USA, 25-29 May 2010.
  4. A conference paper titled “Second Chance Assessment: Assessment Practice Reform in Hong Kong Legal Education”, presented at the 2nd East Asian Law and Society Conference, 30 September and 1 October 2011, Seoul, South Korea
  5. A refereed journal article titled “Promoting Feedback Through Second Chance Assessment – the Hong Kong Experience”, Law Teacher, Issue  No.2,Vol.45 (11) Download