Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Experiential Learning

Promotion of Good Practice in Experiential Learning Through Inter-disciplinary Action-based Inquiry


The project aims to synthesize and implement principles of good practice for experiential learning from the many successful examples across the University.  The objectives of the project are as follows:

  • To showcase best practice in experiential learning in the University.
  • To encourage wider incorporation of experiential learning in curricula.
  • To demonstrate the beneficial learning outcomes of experiential learning.
  • To derive a set of factors which make for successful experiential learning.
  • To determine ideal ways of formulating agency and University supervision of experiential learning.
  • To trial ways of enhancing the triangular relationship between student, agency supervisor and University supervisor.
  • To identify appropriate ways of assessing experiential learning.
  • To introduce an evaluation service to assess the value of particular internships and to draw conclusions about experiential learning initiatives from the evaluation data.
  • To examine the value of experiential learning as a capstone experience.
  • To identify the benefits of early exposure to experiential learning.
  • To determine the resources and the best arrangements for an infrastructure to support finding places for internships and providing the necessary administrative support.
  • To put into place identified best practice in as wide a range of programmes as possible.

Principal Investigator

Dr. G.E. Morris, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Project level

University-level project

Project Completion

September 2012


A total of 8 round-table discussions have been conducted on the following topics:

  1. Good practice in experiential learning
  2. Supervision of experiential learning
  3. Experiential learning: to assess or not to assess
  4. Methods for assessing experiential learning
  5. Preparing students for experiential learning
  6. The nature, value and purpose of experiential learning
  7. Smaller scale, local and integrated experiential learning
  8. Enhancing experiential learning with e-learning

A number of strategies have been adopted for promoting improvement within Faculties and programmes.