Undergraduate & Postgraduate
Curricula and

HKU offers a wide spectrum of high quality programmes with an emphasis on encouraging a flexible approach to studies. The University’s Undergraduate Prospectus and the Undergraduate Admissions Requirements aim to answer questions undergraduate students have on our academic programmes, our facilities, and to help students make the right choices.
[bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”Undergraduate Admissions” link=”http://www.als.hku.hk/admission/” target=”This page”] [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”Undergraduate Prospectus” link=”http://www.asa.hku.hk/admissions/ug/prospectus/” target=”This page”]Postgraduate
The University of Hong Kong offers both research degrees and full-time and part-time taught postgraduate programmes. Its research postgraduate programmes lead to the degrees of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Courses range from two to four years in length. The emphasis is on research, although many programmes also include a coursework element. Candidates must submit theses displaying originality and mastery of research methods, and PhD theses must be of a publishable standard. The University’s taught postgraduate programmes lead either to a master’s degree or a diploma or certificate. Courses range from one to three years in length. The emphasis is on coursework, although most courses also require the submission of a dissertation.
Taught Programmes The University offers a wide range of full-time and part-time taught postgraduate programmes, ranging from one to three years in length. They operate on a semester system and candidates’ academic progress is normally assessed by a combination of written examinations and project assignments throughout the year. For most taught master’s degrees, candidates must also submit a dissertation, which will constitute a significant portion of the work of the degree. Candidates may be required to attend an oral examination and to give a presentation on the dissertation. Details of the programmes are available in the prospectus. [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”TPg Admissions” link=”http://www.asa.hku.hk/admissions/tpg/” target=”This page”] [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”Prospectus” link=”http://www.asa.hku.hk/admissions/tpg/prospectus/” target=”This page”] [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”TPg FAQ” link=”http://www.asa.hku.hk/admissions/tpg/frontpage/FAQ.htm” target=”This page”] |
Research Programmes The University offers Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and 3-year and 4-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes. A successful MPhil thesis should represent the result of the candidate’s research which displays some originality and which demonstrates a sound understanding of the field of study and the appropriate research methods, and a successful PhD thesis should represent the result of the candidate’s research which should be an original contribution to knowledge and worthy of publication. The degrees of Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master of Surgery (MS) are awarded by the Faculty of Medicine for original observations that make a definite contribution to knowledge, presented in the form of a thesis deserving of publication. The degree of Doctor of Legal Science (SJD) is an advanced research degree of the same level as a PhD, awarded by the Faculty of Law. It is designed for candidates unfamiliar with the common law system. Further details of these degrees are given in the Degree Regulations and Course Descriptions, or may be obtained from the relevant faculties. The Graduate School keeps abreast of international best practice in graduate education, and advises on quality assurance and academic audit of graduate training and supervision. It disseminates advice on good practice on the conduct of thesis examinations, oversees the day-to-day implementation of policies and regulations, and is also responsible for producing publications and organizing induction programmes, courses, training workshops and seminars on a regular basis for the benefit of postgraduate students and their supervisors. [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”RPg Admissions” link=”http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/prospective-students/how-to-apply” target=”This page”] [bsbutton theme=”flat” size=”normal” style=”warning” icon=”icon-play” iconcolor=”white” text=”RPg FAQ” link=”http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/faq” target=”This page”] |