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e-learning News – January 2015

MOOC Production Continues

enews_jan_2015-268x300In conjunction with subject matter experts, the video and instructional design teams in the e-learning Pedagogical Support unit have further developed the upcoming HKUx MOOCs. These include: HKU02.1x The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia, HKU04x Making Sense of News, HKU03x Humanity and Nature in Chinese Thought. Their respective launch dates are 14 April, 19 May and 23 June respectively.

To find out more about these courses and the discussions surrounding MOOC development, please visit the HKUx blog.

Upcoming Seminar on Designing Educational Video for Meaningful Learning

The amount of video being used for educational purposes has dramatically increased over the past few years given the advancements in technologies and new approaches to teaching and learning, such as the flipped classroom, blended learning, and MOOCs. In light of this huge uptake, perhaps it is worth pausing to consider the nature of the videos which are being produced. Are we sufficiently reflecting on questions such as: What is the difference between video for education and entertainment? What is the impact of visuals and audio, and the relationship between these modalities, on student cognition and learning? Does adding graphics to spoken words help students’ learning? Is talking over PowerPoint slides more or less effective than a talking head alone? Does adding on-screen written text, which parallels spoken text, support or hinder learning?

If you are curious about the answers to these questions, join this seminar where we will discuss approaches to multimedia design; explore foundational ideas on cognitive load and working memory; collaboratively analyse multimedia design principles to aid cognition and learning by looking at several examples; and finally reflect on the relevance of these theories and approaches to our own contexts.

Moodle and Panopto Hands-on Training Workshops

The ITS hands-on workshops on the learning management system Moodle and the lecture capture service Panopto are open for registration. Details can be found here.

Launch of Moodle and Panotpo usage report in e-learning tab of HKU Portal

Moodle and Panopto usage report is located in the one-stop e-learning hub under the “My e-learning tab” of HKU Portal where you can find usage statistics of Moodle and Panopto, a lecture capture service (LCS). More information can be found here.