Join-the-Conversation: Assessment in the Common Core Curriculum


Co-organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Common Core Curriculum Office

Panel-led discussion session 1: Assessing in-class participation

Date: 12 May (Tue)
Time: 11:30 – 12:45
Venue: Rm 321 & 322 Run Run Shaw Building
Panellists: Dr. S.J. Aiston; Professor A. Djurisic; Professor Y.K. Kwok

Panel-led discussion session 2: Assessing presentations and groupwork

Date: 12 May (Tue)
Time: 13:45 – 15:00
Venue: Rm 321 & 322 Run Run Shaw Building
Panellists: Professor H. Corke; Ms. T.Y.C. Kee; Dr. S.Y.W. Shiu

Professor Grahame Bilbow, Director of Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Professor Dai Hounsell, Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh
Professor Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Director of Common Core Curriculum Office, HKU

As part of the ‘Wise Assessment Community of Practice’ project, CETL has been working with teachers across the University of Hong Kong to identify and surface particularly effective assessment practices that are currently being used within the University.

At this first ‘Join the Conversation’ event, we should like to take the opportunity to share with you some of our preliminary findings regarding effective approaches to assessment within the Common Core Curriculum, specifically in connection with the assessment of in-class participation, presentations and groupwork. To date, we have conducted informal interviews with seventeen Common Core course teachers and tutors, and compiled three Wise Assessment Briefings, detailing a range of assessment practices that take place in Common Core courses.

In the two panel-led discussion sessions, our panellists will outline assessment practices in their Common Core course(s) and invite questions and discussion. Copies of the Wise Assessment Briefings will be provided for participants.

About the panellists:
Dr. S.J. Aiston, Assistant Professor, Division of Policy, Administration and Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCHU9043 “Thinking” Women: Their Oppression and Resistance
Professor H. Corke, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCGL9016 Feeding the World and CCGL9017 Food: Technology, Trade and Culture
Professor A. Djurisic, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCST9038 Science and Science Fiction
Ms. T.Y.C. Kee, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCHU9037 Street Sense: The City and its Environments
Professor Y.K. Kwok, Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), Associate Dean of Engineering, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCST9003 Everyday Computing and the Internet and CCST9015 Electronic Technologies in Everyday Life
Dr. S.Y.W. Shiu, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Course Co-ordinator and Teacher of CCST9006 Biomedical Breakthroughs in a Pluralistic World

Interested participants are welcome to attend either or both of the sessions.
Hot lunch will be provided.

For information on registration, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email

EPSU Seminar – Educational Video Production: Tools and techniques


Organized by e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit, CETL

Speakers: Mr Nicky Ng (Instructional Designer, CETL, HKU)
Date : 29th April, 2015 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

This workshop is part two of the E-learning Pedagogical Support Unit (EPSU) seminar on Education Video Production, which took place in February. The initial seminar looked at ways in which the design of educational video impacts on learners’ cognition and ultimately their learning.

As videos become increasingly popular to deliver materials and initiate discussions, such as in blended and ‘flipped’ learning environments, it is essential to consider the form and content of the videos we create. This practical workshop aims to build on the initial theoretical seminar by introducing useful tools to create videos. You will have a chance to create your own multimedia assets, so bring creative energy and ideas on how you do, or would like to, integrate video into your teaching.

About the Speakers:

Nicky Ng is currently working as part of the EPSU team to provide pedagogical support to faculties integrating technology into their teaching and learning environments. He is also supporting the development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Miss Carmen Cheung

Scholarships for Studying in Japan and France

Message from Scholarships Office of the Registry

Dear Students,

Applications are now invited for the following external scholarship schemes. Please submit your application to the respective Secretariat directly.

1. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2016 (Research Students)

Target Students:
Non-Japanese students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities in 2015-16.

How to apply:
Hong Kong and Macau SAR residents can submit their applications to the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong by mail or by hand, by May 29, 2015. The selection process includes written test and interview which will be arranged in June 2015.

Ms Maggie Lau, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (

2. Scholarships for Studying in France
The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau is offering the following scholarships for different disciplines and target student groups:

Application deadline: April 26, 2015 (Extended deadline)
How to apply: On-line application
Enquiries: Ms Lavender Cheung
Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau(
We wish you success with your application!

Kitty Wong
Scholarships Office, The Registry
Please check out for more information on scholarship opportunities, background and sharing stories at HKU Scholarships website.

cc: All teachers – Please bring this to the attention of your students who may be interested in making an application.