Message from President and Vice-Chancellor
Dear Colleagues and Students,
I am very pleased to announce the award recipients of the University’s Teaching Excellence Awards 2015. There are now three categories of award. Alongside the established University Distinguished Teaching Award and Outstanding Teaching Award, we introduced a Teaching Innovation Award this year. The Selection Panel was deeply impressed with the awardees’ dedication to teaching, their tireless and creative efforts to make learning enjoyable and challenging, and the impact that they have made on their students’ learning. Because of the eminent achievements of two candidates for the University Distinguished Teaching Award, the Panel decided unanimously to honour both of them.
University Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Joseph C.W. Chan, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social SciencesProfessor Rick A. Glofcheski, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Outstanding Teaching Award
Dr. Chun-kit Chui, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of EngineeringMs. Katherine L. Lynch, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Dr. Julian A. Tanner, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Miss Nicole J. Tavares, Faculty of Education
Dr. Marco M.H. Wan, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Teaching Innovation Award
Dr. Michael G. Botelho, Faculty of DentistryThe awardees will be honoured at a presentation ceremony on Monday May 9, 2016. Please do join us for that if you can. Their names will be posted on the Teaching Excellence Awards Honour Board.
I would like to thank our external assessor Professor Huang Hoon Chng (Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) of the National University of Singapore) for providing us with expert advice in situ during the final selection process. I would also like to thank the other Panel members, Professor Ian Holliday, Professor Grahame Bilbow, Mr. Matthew Pryor and Miss Arika Ho (student representative), for their assistance in this important exercise.
Many congratulations to all the awardees – I look forward to seeing you all at the presentation ceremony!
Professor Peter Mathieson, President
Selection Panel for Teaching Excellence Awards 2015