New Student-Led Teaching Award Launched!

Student-Led Teaching Award banner

The Teaching Feedback Award: an opportunity for students to share and celebrate their experiences of receiving excellent feedback from their teachers.

I’m delighted that the student-led Teaching Feedback Award has been launched, and I pledge my wholehearted support. I firmly believe that effective learning depends on students receiving timely, clear and constructive feedback from their teachers. Students have an innate understanding of what good feedback is. This new award will enable them to share this understanding and reward teachers whose feedback they find exemplary.
Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
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The purpose of the Teaching Feedback Award (TFA) is to celebrate excellent feedback and encourage debate about feedback among teachers and students.

The nomination process is open to all students registered on HKU undergraduate programmes. Teachers will be nominated by their students between May and June 2017, using a nomination form distributed by the HKUSU. Nomination forms should be submitted directly to the HKUSU Office on or before 16 June 2017.

Nominations will be shortlisted at Faculty-level in late June 2017 by small committees of students appointed from student associations and societies. Each of the 10 committees will select the three nominations they judge to be the most outstanding in their Faculty.

The 30 shortlisted nominations will be considered by a Selection Panel in September 2017, and one teacher will be chosen from each Faculty to receive the TFA. The Selection Panel will consist of the HKUSU President, three student representatives from Faculties, the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) and the Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Each TFA will carry a monetary award of HK$10,000.

Result Announcement of Teaching Feedback Award 2017

What Works? Intercultural Groupwork in the Common Core

What Works? Intercultural Groupwork in the Common Core-banner

Jointly organised by CETL and Common Core

Details of the workshop:

Date : 15 May, 2017 (Monday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm (Light refreshments will be provided.)
Venue : Room 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building (Main Campus), HKU
Speaker : Dr. Tracy Zou (CETL) and Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren (Common Core)


Rated as both the ‘best and the worst learning experiences’ by both students and lecturers, groupwork is a complex matter. What, then, about intercultural groupwork? Doesn’t this complicate the matter even further? Students could, of course, potentially develop their cultural competence and gain multiple perspectives about each other and the subject matter, but the issue is how can we actually make it work its best for everyone?

During this workshop, we will explore together how we might make intercultural groupwork creative, energetic, and effective. A number of good practices identified from 15 Common Core courses, as well as those from the scholarly literature, will be shared.


Dr. Tracy Zou is an assistant professor in the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) at HKU. She has been engaging in the development and promotion of effective university teaching and learning on a number of topics, for example, groupwork, assessment, and internationalisation of teaching and learning. She has also been involved in groupwork research at both course and curriculum levels.

Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren: Director, Common Core


Advising “Chat and Share”

Academic Advising Office

Message from the Academic Advising Office

Date: May 8, 2017 (Monday)
Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Venue: Room 603, KK Leung Building, Main Campus
*Drinks and sandwiches will be provided.

As the semester draws to a close, it is a good time for advisers to gather and share our advising experience in a more relaxed manner.

What can I get?
The AAO “Chat and Share” workshop is specially designed to enhance our advising capability through:
A review of REAL student advising scenarios that happen day-to-day
Casual sharing on different approaches that may work (As always, there is no single answer to every problem!)
Sharing by CEDARS’s colleagues to expand our “know-how” on advising mental health and career planning or related issues encountered by advisees
Sharing by experienced academic colleagues on tips on handling advisees’ study concerns
An update of useful advising resources and referral mechanism

Who is it for?
This workshop is designed for all Faculty Academic Advisers, teachers and administrators who support undergraduate students.

Who will speak and share?
Experienced Faculty Academic Advisers:
Dr. Julia Kuehn, Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Arts; Chair, Academic Advising Committee
Dr. Anthony Tam, Academic Adviser, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering
Miss Nicole Tavares, Senior Lecturer, Division of English Language Education, Faculty of Education
Ms. Jaime Fung, Director, Careers and Placement, CEDARS
Ms. Linda Yeung, Acting Director, Counselling and Person Enrichment, CEDARS
Ms. Rachel Hong, Academic Adviser, Academic Advising Office

How to register?
Please register online at

Telephone: 2219 4686