3rd HKU Teaching and Learning Festival 2022

Dear colleagues,

Do you wish to see more opportunities in EdTech and innovation in Higher Education?

HKU CETL invites you to join us for another exciting T&L Festival to get inspired!

Official websitehttps://www.cetl.hku.hk/3rdtlfestival22/ 

The HKU Teaching and Learning Festival aims to showcase how teaching innovation can positively impact student learning. The Festival is held biannually in March and October, with multiple events, including sharing sessions by thought leaders, workshops, open classrooms, and poster showcases.

The 3rd HKU Teaching and Learning Festival 2022 will celebrate the achievements of teaching innovation and development. Starting from mid-October to November 2022, multiple events – keynote speeches, workshops, poster showcases, and a global forum, will be taking place. They will offer exciting opportunities for witnessing and experiencing how excellent teaching creates a positive impact on student learning.

For the opening event on 14th October, we are pleased to partner with Esperanza to bring industrial perspectives in teaching innovation and provide a platform for higher education institutes in Hong Kong and Asia to share and discuss their best and next practices. Visit the website for more information.

This 3rd HKU Teaching and Learning Festival will also feature a Fostering VUCA-Ready Talents: Global Forum on Holistic Competencies Development. This forum will take place on 8th November 2022. Partners from institutions in Hong Kong, Australia, and the UK will share, discuss, and collaborate on topics and projects related to the development of holistic competencies, as well as respective assessment and accreditation frameworks. We welcome participation from employers and other stakeholders to take part in this collective effort to better prepare our graduates for potential challenges for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond.

Check out which events interest you and join us! All are welcome.

Kind regards,

Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning