ITS Project Update Briefings

Message from Information Technology Services

Dear Colleagues,

Invitation to the 2014 ITS Project Update Briefings

I have much pleasure to invite you to one of the following two repeated ITS Project Update Briefings for 2014 –

Session 1: 1 December (Monday) 14:30 (registration starts at 14:15)
Session 2: 4 December (Thursday) 09:30 (registration starts at 09:15)
Venue: 2nd Floor, KK Leung Building.

In these briefings, we are going to present a number of major projects to you, some of which will have a University-wide impact. The rundown of the two briefings are shown below –

1 Dec 4 Dec AGENDA
14:15 – 14:30 09:15 – 09:30 Registration
14:30 – 14:35 09:30 – 09:35 Opening Remark
Dr. Danny Tang
14:35 – 14:45 09:35 – 09:45 University Information Security Policy and Data Policy
Dr. Danny Tang
14:45 – 15:05 09:45 – 10:05 Enhancement of Information Security
Dr. P T Ho
15:05 – 15:25 10:05 – 10:25 Consolidation of eMail Systems
Mr. Peter Li
15:25 – 15:40 10:25 – 10:40 Tea break
Breakout A
(for Academic & Research staff)
Breakout B
(for Administrators)
15:40 – 16:00 10:40 – 11:00 Upgrade of Virtual (Digital) Learning Environment
Dr. M C Pong
Upgrade of University Smartcard Systems
Ms. Margaret Chung
16:00 – 16:20 11:00 – 11:20 Upgrade of Physical Learning Environment
Mrs. Toni Kelly
Document Management System
Mr. Peter Li
16:20 – 16:40 11:20 – 11:40 HPC/HTC Facilities & Support for Scientific Computation
Dr. P T Ho
Upgrade of Oracle Financials
Mr. Antony Hui/
Ms. Margaret Chung
16:40 – 17:00 11:40 – 12:00 HKU Mobile Services
Ms. Margaret Chung

In each briefing, we will start off by presenting several projects to all attendees followed by a tea break and then two parallel, breakout sessions with different focuses. Breakout A covers projects, which are relevant to academic and research staff; and Breakout B covers projects of concern primarily to Faculty and Departmental administrators.

The outlines of the presentations are at the end of this email.

We hope to solicit your initial views on each of the projects during the two briefings. Depending on your interests and feedback, we may arrange separate discussion sessions on specific projects afterwards.

Please register attendance through the following links:

Session 1 (1 December 2014, Monday, 14:30):

Session 2 (4 December 2014, Thursday, 09:30):

I look forward to discussing the projects with you and your staff.

Danny Tang

Project Outlines

University Information Security Policy and Data Policy

The University is in the process of engaging a consultant to establish an Information Security Policy and a Data Policy. In this session, the scope of work of this exercise will be presented.

Enhancement of Information Security

This session will give a summary on the new information security (IS) protection measures being implemented and planned, including (a) the Web Application Firewall and the Database Firewall that will soon be put into service for protecting the central web and database application systems against cyber-attacks from the Internet, (b) the enhancement plan for the central identity authentication and management system to mitigate the growing IS threats due to leaking of users’ HKU Portal UID/PIN, and (c) a pilot device profile register to safeguard against potential IS threats from unrecognized devices on the campus network.

Consolidation of eMail Systems

Over the years, multiple email systems of different generations have been implemented at different times to serve the University community. There are systems based on legacy Linux, Microsoft Exchange and cloud-based Google Apps for Education, which poses challenges to us in system administration and user support. Moreover, quite a few departments have their own departmental email servers, the functions of which could be better and more securely provided by the central email system. A project to consolidate the eMail systems is now underway to address the above issues. Details of the consolidation strategy will be elaborated in this session.

Breakout A

Upgrade of Virtual (Digital) Learning Environment

This session will report on the enhancement of the University’s virtual learning environment, covering the lecture capture service based on the Panopto system, which is well integrated with the Moodle learning management system, mobile access to Moodle, the Moodle courses archive system, and one-stop e-learning hub. These facilities and services help to enhance the student learning experience and support teachers’ teaching activities.

Upgrade of Physical Learning Environment

This session will report upon the findings of the recent staff and student learning space experience surveys and the response to that feedback by the Learning Environment Services Team. The presentation will include details about the development of Learning Space Design Guidelines, lecture theatre refurbishments, classroom upgrades and support Staff Training, all of which contribute to the enhancement of both the student learning experience and support for our teachers’ classroom activities.

HPC/HTC Facilities and Support for Scientific Computation

This session will discuss the work in progress for supporting cutting-edge research, including (a) the salient features and launching plan of the new High-Performance Computing (HPC) system of the latest technologies that will boost the processing power for supporting research by 10 times, (b) the experience with the recently deployed High Throughput Computing (HTC) facility and the improvement plan to provide better support for researchers, and (c) the strategy of developing future support for compute-intensive research projects.

Breakout B

Upgrade of University Smartcard Systems

In last year’s ITS Project Update briefing in November 2013, we presented the “University-wide smart card systems upgrade project” initiative. The upgrade of the University Smart Card, including the Staff Card, the Student Card and the Facilities Access Card, will have a great impact on the Smart Card Access Control and Identification Systems in existence across the University. This year, you will learn about the progress of this important upgrade project.

Document Management System

To cope with the increasing volume of hard copy documents handled by departments and the need of office space for document storage, ITS is setting up a Central Document Management System. Documents will be turned into searchable digital form and stored in an electronic file repository supporting full-text search, workflow and archive. The system aims to serve as a platform for document management, electronic form and workflow with roadmaps to integrate with other business processes in the University. An overview of the project will be presented in this session.

Upgrade of Oracle Financials

Oracle Financials (or “E-Business Suite” under its new name) is the main administrative application in support of the financial services in HKU. As an administrator in your faculty/department, come to hear about the coming upgrade; its main objectives and some of the key changes expected of the upgrade. You are also welcome to share your experiences of the financial services in the University.

HKU Mobile Services

To promote the branding of the University of Hong Kong and taking advantage of the proliferation of mobile devices, ITS has, together with a number of University administrative/professional departments, launched a University mobile services hub in 2012. The mobile services have grown and matured, and the “private” Staff Corner and Student Corner were introduced in 2013. To keep up with the pace of the global trend, especially amongst academic institutions, ITS would explore with you further development opportunities of the HKU Mobile Services.

Application for HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme 2015/16

Message from Office of International Student Exchange
Dear Student,

Please don’t forget to apply for the HKUWW Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme 2015/16. The application deadline is 5:00 p.m. December 1, 2014.

Application procedures can be found at

If you have missed the information sessions in October and November, please check out for the PowerPoints used in the sessions.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

We look forward to receiving your application!

Best regards,
Office of International Student Exchange
G/F Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre

Reminder to an online e-Learning survey at HKU


Message from Professor George Tham, Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Hong Kong is committed to providing an education of the highest quality. Your valuable input on the e-Learning survey will help us to understand how we can provide a better physical and virtual learning environment as well as to enhance the teaching and learning experiences.

A little while ago we asked you to provide feedback on your e-Learning experience. Could you please take some time to complete the questionnaire which can be viewed by clicking on the URL below.

Your answers will remain anonymous and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Best regards,

Professor George Tham
Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance), Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Support Outward Bound Training

Message from Scholarships Office of the Registry

Dear Students,

Call for Application: The Providence Foundation Outward Bound Training Awards

The Providence Foundation now offers a sponsorship to HKU students to participate in a seven-day outward bound leadership training programme at the Outward Bound (Hong Kong) School (OBHK).

If you are interested to apply, please note the following details:

Date of training: January 8-14, 2015 (Thursday-Wednesday)

Targets: Full-time undergraduate students (local and non-local)

Value of award: The Foundation partially sponsors HK$3,500 per person. Each sponsored student has to pay HK$1,440 to cover the training fees.

Quota: 12 (selection is based on academic performance and active participation in extra-curricular activities)

Application deadline: December 10, 2014, 5:00 pm

Application method: Interested students should submit the completed application form (click here) to the Scholarships Office by email (

Find out more about the OBHK and relevant training programmes at:

Thank you and we look forward to your application.

Kitty Wong
Scholarships Office, The Registry
Please check out for more information on scholarship opportunities, background and sharing stories at HKU Scholarships website.

HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Scholarships 2015-16

Message from Scholarships Office of the Registry
Dear Students,

HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Scholarships 2015-16

This is a final call for the captioned scholarships for those intend to pursue MPhil degree at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, in 2015-16.

Target students:

  1. Final-year undergraduate students
  2. Current PhD students at HKU
  3. HKU graduates

Value of award: Full/partial tuition fee sponsorship

Application will be closed at 5:00 p.m., November 21, 2014.

Details of eligibility criteria are available at

Interested students please submit the completed application form to the Scholarships Office by email (


Kitty Wong


Scholarships Office, The Registry

Lecture Capture Service Maintenance on 11 Nov 2014 Tue (8am-8:15am)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Lecture Capture Services (LCS) supported by ITS is powered by the Panopto lecture capture system. It is integrated with the Moodle learning management system. The LCS supports our teachers and students to do video recording and viewing conveniently via links in Moodle courses. Students can directly reach and watch a Powerpoint slide in an LCS video by searching for a slide title.

Please be informed that the Panopto system will undergo maintenance. All access to the LCS for recording or viewing will be suspended during the following period:

Date: Nov 11, 2014 (Tuesday)
Time: 8:00 AM to 8:15 AM

For any enquiries, please send email to

Thank you for your attention and we are sorry for any inconvenience that may cause you.

Ada Yau
e-learning Team

Scholarships News – Call for Application

Message from Scholarships Office of the Registry

November 2014 Issue


Call for Applications

The following are highlighted schemes now calling for applications. You may click the scheme titles for eligibility and application methods.

For Postgraduate studies

1. HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Scholarships 2015-16 (Deadline: Nov 21, 2014)
Current students/graduates who intend to pursue MPhil degree at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

For full-time Undergraduate and Postgraduate students pursuing publicly-funded degrees

2. HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund

i. Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) (Deadline: Nov 30, 2014)
For students with outstanding non-academic achievements

ii. Endeavour Merit Award (EMA) (Deadline: Nov 30, 2014)
For students with special educational needs

iii. Reaching Out Award (ROA) (Deadline: Dec 31, 2014)
For students participating in overseas/ Mainland outreaching activities

Value of each TDS, EMA and ROA: HK10,000

For full-time Undergraduate students

3. HSBC Scholarships (for local students only)

i. for all discipline students (Deadline: Nov 30, 2014)
Value of each award: HK$50,000

ii. for Social Work students (Deadline: Nov 28, 2014)
Value of each award: HK$25,000

iii. for overseas exchange (Deadline: Jan 5, 2015)**
Value of each award: tuition fees, a minimum economy return airfare plus basic living expenses

iv. Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme (Deadline: Nov 30, 2014)
Value of each award: up to HK$150,000; For students to participate in overseas/Mainland attachment programmes

4. HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme 2015-16 (Deadline: Dec 1, 2014)**
For students to go for overseas exchange in our partner institutions

** Applications should be submitted to the Office of International Student Exchange (OISE) directly. Please follow the application procedures listed in OISE website.

Please check out for more information on scholarships that are open for applications at HKU Scholarships website.

Kitty Wong
Scholarships Office, The Registry

Moodle and Panopto hands-on workshops for teachers

Message from Information Technology Services

Dear Teachers,

We are pleased to organize Learning Management System (LMS) – Moodle and Lecture Capture Services (LCS) – Panopto training courses for you to familiar with our e-learning services available at HKU.

The following upcoming hands-on training courses in September are now open for your registration. The course details can be found at

Please register by clicking the “Register” hyperlinks below. The number of seats is limited. After successful registration, if you cannot attend, please cancel the registration to release the reserved seat for other colleague.

Moodle Workshops

Course Code Moodle Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
MOD-002 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Assignments, Choices and Quizzes 7 Nov, 2014 (Fri) 10:00am – 11:00am KB110 Register
MOD-005 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Turnitin and GradeMark 7 Nov, 2014 (Fri) 11:30am – 12:30pm KB110 Register
MOD-003 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Grades 17 Nov, 2014 (Mon) 10:00am – 11:00am KB110 Register
MOD-005 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Turnitin and GradeMark 17 Nov, 2014 (Mon) 11:30am – 12:30pm KB110 Register

Panopto Workshops

Course Code Panopto Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
PAN-001 Introduction of Panopto Lecture Video Capturing Solution 12 Nov, 2014 (Wed) 3:00pm – 4:00pm CBC Register
PAN-002 Edit, Share and Output Panopto Video Recording 12 Nov, 2014 (Wed) 4:30pm – 5:30pm CBC Register

(1) KB-110 = Room 110, Knowles Building
CPD-2.77, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus

(2) If you have taken a Moodle hands-on course offered by the ITS, we recommend you follow up with an e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit (EPSU) workshop and/or a Faculty of Education/ Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) seminar.

The EPSU of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) offers pedagogically focused e-learning workshops, which leverage the central Moodle platform to enable good teaching practices. These workshops focus on teaching approaches and good teaching practices, complement the Moodle courses offered by the ITS and the Moodle seminars offered by the Faculty of Education/CITE, which tend to focus on innovative teaching practice using the new features available in Moodle.

e-learning workshops by EPSU/CETL

e-learning seminars by the Faculty of Education/CITE

For more information and inquiry on Moodle and Panopto training and support, feel free to email:

Best Regards,

Ada Yau
e-learning Team
Information Technology Services

Invitation to an online e-Learning survey at HKU


Message from Professor George Tham, Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate in an online e-Learning questionnaire conducted at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The aim of the survey is to collect data about teachers’ perceptions of their experience on the use of all types of technologies to enhance teaching and learning in conjunction with face-to-face learning in the University. We invite all teachers to participate in this survey. A separate survey investigating students’ perceptions of their e-Learning experience is being administered concurrently. Your feedback will help us to provide a better physical and virtual learning environment.

The questionnaire should take about 5 minutes to complete. Your answers will remain anonymous and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential.

To participate in the online survey, please visit:

If you have any questions or queries about this survey please contact Dr Maggie Zhao of the Institutional Survey Team at

Best regards,

Professor George Tham
Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance), Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Teaching and Learning (T&L) Services – Seminar and Exhibition on October 14-15, 2014

Message from Information Technology Services


Dear colleagues,

Welcome to our T&L Services seminar and exhibition on how our Teaching and Learning (T&L) services facilitate your T&L activities:

Seminar talks on 15 October (Wed) 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Exhibition on 14-15 October (Tue-Wed) 10:00am – 5:00pm

(A) In the Seminar:

Apart from introducing the services and facilities available to support your teaching, two teachers are invited to share their experience on using the University’s Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and Lecture Capture service (LCS) Panopto.

For Registration: Click here

Date: 15 October (Wed)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: Theatre C, LG/F, Chow Yei Ching Building (Location Map)
Title of talks in the seminar session Speakers
IT Services Support for Teaching and Learning Dr Danny Tang, Director, ITS
Learning & Teaching Spaces in HKU Mrs Toni Kelly, Associate Director (Learning Environments), ITS
HKU teachers’ experience sharing on using:
(a) the learning management system Moodle Dr Feng Yibin, Associate Professor, School of Chinese Medicine
(b) the lecture capture service Panopto Dr. Winnie S. C. Leung, Assistant Professor, School of Business
Panopto – Transforming the student learning experience Mr Bertrand Lee, Technical Director, Panopto APAC Ltd

(B) Highlights of the exhibition:

  • Access Moodle and lecture capture recordings using phones or laptops
  • Live demonstration of lecture capture service (LCS) – using Panopto software on a laptop to make recording
  • High definition video conferencing system will link the 2 booths to showcase presentation or lecture in high quality video
    • Users can join using phones or laptops
  • One-stop e-learning hub to access e-courses and T&L Services information

Our staff will be at the exhibition booths to demonstrate the above and answer questions.

Date: 14 October (Tue) and 15 October (Wed)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Venues: (1) G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons, Centennial Campus
(2) G/F, Library Building Old Wing, opposite coffee shop
(Location Map)

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Mr. Kenneth Siu
e-learning Team
Information Technology Services