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Email Announcement from

Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

T&L support (To HKU Staff) January 11, 2021 Posted in: VP Announcement

Important message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear colleagues

One more bulk email mostly recapping an array of information about T&L support.

Classroom support

The LES website lists and profiles classrooms that are enabled for hybrid lectures. All have upgraded audio signal for high-quality lecture capture and recording. Any teacher requiring additional equipment, such as a USB portable monitor or microphone, can make use of the LES loan system. Real-time classroom support remains available through the LES team at 3917 5122 (Main Campus) or 3917 8888 (Centennial Campus). These phone numbers are also displayed in classrooms. Operating hours are 08:00-20:00 Monday-Friday and 08:00-13:00 Saturday.

Tutorial sign-up system

To enable students to use the tutorial sign-up system, teachers need first to enter tutorial group information in the Class Planner and Room Booking System through the Examination Office’s website.

Pedagogical support

CETL provides a wealth of pedagogical support. The CETL website has many resources covering online course design, hybrid-mode teaching, online assessment, etc. CETL Faculty liaison persons can be contacted for assistance.

Technical support

For assistance with e-learning matters, please send a WhatsApp message to TeLi on 6437 8034. During office hours, a reply will be sent within 10 minutes. One-on-one e-learning consultation sessions with TeLi can also be arranged.

Online resources

The following websites have useful information for teachers:

– Online resource hub;

Tangible resources such as DIY rooms and equipment loan services;

– E-learning quick start guide through text and video;

– Classroom set-up for online and hybrid learning;

– Conducting online lessons in HKU classrooms;

– Conducting flipped classrooms;

– How to use Mentimeter, Panopto, MS Teams and Zoom.

Online archive

Our most recent messages to UG and TPG students are available online. Important S2 dates are also posted.

Many thanks to CETL, ITS, Library and TeLi colleagues for pulling together this information and staffing our T&L support services. Thanks also to teachers for working through the long list of resources assembled here. All queries:

Best wishes, Ian

Professor Ian Holliday


S2 T&L Arrangements (UG & TPG) January 8, 2021 Posted in: VP Announcement

Important message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear colleagues and students

I’m writing with good wishes for the New Year and updates about S2 T&L arrangements.

Teaching Arrangements

Delivery modes for individual courses were chosen by teachers and programme teams at the end of S1. We released the information to students through SIS on December 11. At a meeting of the Task Force on Infectious Diseases yesterday afternoon, we reviewed the S2 T&L arrangements in light of the improving public health situation in Hong Kong. We noted that the pattern of choices made by teachers for S2 courses points to a low-density campus environment, since most courses will be delivered in hybrid or online mode. We further noted that our robust campus infection control measures remain in place. We therefore feel that the delivery modes selected by teachers can remain as they are. If any difficult cases arise, please do contact me.

Add/Drop Period

In recent semesters our practice has been to provide UG students with a ‘self-enrol’ function on HKU Moodle to enable them to audit courses during the add/drop period ( In S2, this function will be available from 09:00, January 18 to 16:00, February 1.Thereafter, all self-enrolments will be deleted unless the student has formally enrolled in the course through the course registration system.

Assessment Options

In S2, we are removing the pass/fail assessment option that has been made available to students for the past year or so. As a failsafe, we’re keeping the late drop option. In S2, students will be able to exercise the late drop option through from 09:00, March 8 to 23:59, April 9 through the course registration system.

Exams and Assessment

As in S1, all final exams will take place online. The exceptions remain as before: exams that need to be held in-person either because there are special requirements (eg professional programmes), or because all the students taking a course are in Hong Kong and it is safe for them to attend an in-person exam. Faculties will issue separate guidance to their students about this.

Study Rooms and Online Resources

Apart from the Library and Learning Commons, small classrooms not used for teaching are made available to students for self-study ( Additional resources are available on these websites, which are regularly updated:

– Online resources for students:
– E-learning resource hub for students:
– Student troubleshooting for online learning videos:


As before, our policy is that students taking online classes are required to turn on their webcams when the teacher asks them to do so. (Virtual backgrounds are of course permissible.) Students with special needs or circumstances may apply to their teachers for exemption on a case-by-case basis. If it is not possible for a teacher and student to reach agreement, the case may be referred to the relevant Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) or, in the case of Common Core courses, to the Director.

Coming to Campus

As you know, everyone coming to campus needs to be aware of and respect our infection control protocols ( We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and make any necessary adjustments. Please always stay vigilant and make personal and group health your top priority.

Best wishes for S2 – Ian

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

Please be vigilant about infection-control measures on campus November 23, 2020 Posted in: VP Announcement

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear colleagues and students

You will have seen the recent uptick in confirmed Covid-19 cases in Hong Kong. It’s hard to predict how high the number of new cases will go or for how long the spike will last. I’m writing in this uncertain situation to reinforce the need for full compliance with infection-control measures throughout the campus.

Our current guidelines mandate that anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms should not come to campus and should see a doctor as soon as possible. For those who do come to campus, our guidelines mandate: (i) social distancing; (ii) mask-wearing at all times other than eating and drinking; and (iii) eating and drinking in groups of no more than four. This means that inside classrooms, libraries and learning commons, masks must be worn at all times and social distance must be maintained. It means that the same rules apply when walking around the campus. It means that in restaurants, canteens and coffee shops, masks should be removed only when actually eating and drinking, and should be worn at all other times. We have asked our campus security staff to ensure that everyone is being vigilant about infection-control measures.

The University will monitor the current fluid situation carefully. We hope that if we all tighten up our behaviour, it will be possible to see out the semester as planned. Scheduled f2f components of UG and TPG classes can therefore continue, so long as everyone adheres strictly to our existing infection-control guidelines. If necessary, we will make adjustments in the days ahead.

Many thanks for helping us maintain a safe campus environment.

Best wishes, Ian

Professor Ian Holliday

Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

The University of Hong Kong

S2 teaching arrangements for UG and TPG courses (for HKU UG and TPG students) November 5, 2020 Posted in: VP Announcement

Important message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear students

I’m writing to brief you on decisions taken about S2 teaching arrangements for UG and TPG courses.


Teaching arrangements in S2 will be similar to our current arrangements in S1, except that more courses will be delivered purely in online mode. This reflects limited student demand for the f2f component of hybrid courses in S1, and the better learning experience that is generally available when a course is delivered through a single mode.


By 11 December 2020, course coordinators will provide all students with clear information about delivery mode:
– Lectures: In SIS, under ‘Enrollment Information’ there is a ‘Course/Class Attribute’ section. Alongside ‘Delivery of lectures’, course coordinators will insert one of three options: online, hybrid, f2f. (Only in very special circumstances will the f2f option be available.)
– Small-group interactive sessions such as tutorials, labs, studios, clinical practicums: One of the same three options (online, hybrid, f2f) will be chosen and communicated to students through the regular channels used by each Faculty.


In S2, final exams will take place online. As in S1, the only exceptions to this general rule will be exams that need to be held in-person either because there are special requirements (eg professional programmes), or because all the students taking a course are in Hong Kong and it is safe for them to attend an in-person exam. Faculties will issue separate guidance to their students about this.


In S2, we will no longer offer students three assessment options. Those options were devised in response to the uncertain situation we all faced when getting to grips with the rapid switch to online and hybrid T&L over the past 12 months. They are not appropriate as a long-term measure. In S2, we will therefore remove the pass/fail option. Students will still have the option of late drop should they experience unforeseen difficulties with their courses. The deadline for students to late drop a course will be 23:59 on 9 April 2021.
Please do contact me with queries:

Best wishes, Ian
Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
The University of Hong Kong

S2 teaching arrangements for UG and TPG courses (for HKU Staff) November 5, 2020 Posted in: VP Announcement

Important message from Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear colleagues

Many thanks to the 270 teachers who completed the recent survey on hybrid T&L and the 100 or so colleagues who attended follow-up Zoom town-hall meetings. The data and discussions were extremely useful. I’m writing now to brief you on decisions taken about S2 teaching arrangements for UG and TPG courses on the basis of input received from teachers across all 10 Faculties.


Teaching arrangements in S2 will be similar to our current arrangements in S1, with one important exception:

  • In S1, a teacher with an allocated classroom is expected to make use of it by offering hybrid-mode teaching (or, in rare circumstances, f2f teaching).
  • In S2, a teacher with an allocated classroom will not be obliged to make use of it, but will instead have the option of switching to 100% online mode.
  • Please note that any teacher wishing to exercise this option must seek endorsement from their Programme Director or Head of Department/School.
  • Please also note that all teachers, including those switching to 100% online mode, will be required to be in Hong Kong during S2, unless they have an authorized leave of absence.


Communication with students is essential. By 11 December 2020, all course coordinators are asked to provide clear information about delivery mode:

  • Lectures: In SIS, under ‘Enrollment Information’ there is a ‘Course/Class Attribute’ section. Alongside ‘Delivery of lectures’, course coordinators should ask their departmental or faculty office colleagues to insert one of three options: online, hybrid, f2f. (Only in very special circumstances will the f2f option be available to teachers, and again it must be endorsed by the Programme Director or Head of Department/School.)
  • Small-group interactive sessions such as tutorials, labs, studios, clinical practicums: One of the same three options (online, hybrid, f2f) should be chosen and communicated clearly to students through the regular channels used by each Faculty.


In S2, final exams will take place online. As in S1, the only exceptions to this general rule will be exams that need to be held in-person either because there are special requirements (eg professional programmes), or because all the students taking a course are in Hong Kong and it is safe for them to attend an in-person exam. Faculties will issue separate guidance to their students about this.


In S2, students will no longer be offered three course assessment options for most of the courses they take: letter grade, pass/fail, late drop. Rather, we will remove the pass/fail option and retain only late drop as an alternative to the default option of letter grade. The deadline for students to late drop a course will be 23:59 on 9 April 2021.

AV audit

Alongside teaching arrangements for S2, the other major theme in the recent staff survey is AV facilities. We are currently conducting an AV audit of all 153 centrally-allocated classrooms against a checklist derived from the survey. Ahead of S2, we will upgrade as many classrooms as possible and update the teaching space information provided by LES (
Renewed thanks for all the valuable feedback. Please contact me with queries:

Best wishes, Ian
Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
The University of Hong Kong