Teaching Development Grants
Completed TDG Projects

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning through Ultrasonography in Undergraduate Medical Education Paradigm


Ultrasound is an emerging teaching tool in the undergraduate medical education to facilitate pre-clinical teaching on anatomy and physiology, and adjunct in clinical skills training. The integration of ultrasonography into undergraduate medical education has been met by constraints in limited curricular time, expensive equipment and cost of having a large number of trained faculty members to conduct such activity.

This TDG application will aim at delivering an e-learning platform on learning different aspect of ultrasonography, from the basis of physics to improving the understanding of human anatomy and integration of ultrasonography in clinical management. The e-learning through ultrasonography will supplement the current curriculum, from an early stage through to the later clinical years of MBBS; so as to make more efficient use of the time during hands-on ultrasound workshop and engaging in active learning in various levels of undergraduate medical education.

Principal Investigator

Dr. E.Y.P. Lee, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Contact

Project level

Programme-level project

Project Completion

March 2018


  1. E-learning platform covering topics on ultrasound physics, knobology, scanning techniques, normal anatomy, pathology, interventional procedures and assessment sections. All the teaching staff and the MBBS students (with a HKU account) have been enrolled into the platform. The course is accessible both on the HKU Online Learning platform and on the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine e-learning platform. Guests can use the HKU Online Learning platform with specific accounts available upon request. Download
  2. Google Analytics. An account ( medus@teli.hku.hk ) has been created to monitor the activity on the two websites. This account is for restrictive use only.
  3. Poster entitled “Integration of Ultrasound into the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum” and presented during the Asian Medical Education Association Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education in December 2016 in HKU. Download
  4. Poster entitled “The effectiveness of e-learning platform in teaching and engaging medical students about ultrasound” and presented during the 9th Asian Medical Education Association Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education last December 2017 in HKU. Download
  5. Publication in progress in a medical education journal.