We all know that nuclear accident is a dreadful disaster. But do you know what actions should be taken if such a disaster strikes today? Learn how to respond to nuclear emergencies in our new online course, Radiation Emergencies.
This online course will take you on a journey to explore the fundamentals of radiation and Chemical Biological Radiation Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies. You will learn the proper ways to detect radiation and develop an in-depth understanding of the effects caused by acute exposure to radiation. Enriched by a wide range of learning resources, including videos of clinical demonstration on how to don and remove protective equipment, as well as survey and decontaminate nuclear victims, this course will teach you how to protect yourself from radiation and help nuclear victims.
Clinical demonstration on radioactive measurement and decontamination.

This self-paced free online course is suitable for first responders to radiation emergencies and members of the general public interested in the topic. Jointly developed by the Emergency Care Unit of HKU and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute, it is the first in our series of e-learning modules on CBRN emergencies. Join us now and earn a certificate!