Embedding Research-Based Education at UCL


Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:

Date : 28 Nov 2018 (Monday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building (Main Campus), HKU
Presenter : Prof. Anthony Smith, UCL Vice-Provost | Education and Student Affairs
Facilitator : Dr. Cecilia Chan, Head of Professional Development, Associate Professor, HKU

Through its 20-year strategy, UCL2034, UCL has made a strategic commitment to bring its students closer to its world-leading research to increase the intellectual stretch and challenge of their studies and to prepare them better for employment and the next step in their careers. As part of this strategy, we have committed to our students that they will be full partners in the future of UCL and we have committed to staff that we will have a system of reward and recognition that properly reflects their contribution to education leadership. The concept of the Connected Curriculum will be described which is re-framing faculty discussions about embedding research-based education. The UCL Changemakers programme of student-led research projects will also be described and how these contributed to UCL’s submission to the government’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) introduced in 2017. Finally, UCL’s new Academic Careers Framework will be presented.

About the Speaker
Anthony Smith was appointed Vice Provost (Education and Student Affairs) at University College London (UCL) in 2012 where he takes the strategic lead for all matters related to education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is also Vice Provost responsible for UCL’s School of Laws, Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (4 faculties, 20 departments, 1100 staff, 9000 students and £170 million turnover). He is also responsible for Student and Registry Services, UCL Careers and UCL Culture.

Prior to his appointment at UCL he was Principal and Dean of the School of Pharmacy, University of London for six years from 2006. The School of Pharmacy merged with UCL in January 2012. He graduated in pharmacy with first class honours from the University of Bath in 1983 and continued at Bath studying for his PhD on photoenzymatic repair of DNA damage in Escherichia coli. He developed his research interests in human –pathogen interactions on his move to Aston University in 1987 and continued on his return to the University of Bath in 1993.

At UCL, he is leading on re-framing the role of education within a research-institution through curricular reform, engaging students as partners and reforming recognition and reward for staff.


He is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
He is Chair of Trustees at Pharmacy Research-UK and a Governor of the Capital City Colleges Group.


For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau, CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email: kanclau@hku.hk​

Join-the-Conversation: Toward an International and Inclusive Learning Experience: Approaches to Assessment Design


Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the Join-the-Conversation:

Date : 5 November 2018 (Monday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building (Main Campus), HKU
Speaker : DMr. Patrick Leung (HKU), Ms. Melissa Megan (HKUST), Dr. Kristen Li (HKBU)
Facilitator : Dr. Tracy Zou (HKU), Dr. Beatrice Chu (HKUST), Dr. Lisa Law (HKBU)
Organiser : Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Co-organisers : Center for Education Innovation, HKUST; Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, HKBU; Equal Opportunity Unit, HKU

Staff and invited guests only.


The ultimate purpose for internationalisation of the curriculum is to enhance students’ overall learning experience (Leask, 2015). This will not be achieved without taking aspects of learning, teaching and assessment into consideration. In particular, many students seem to see assessment as the sole purpose of learning and tend to focus on what will be tested. Working on assessment design, therefore, will have a significant impact on student learning. In this Join-the-Conversation event, colleagues from HKU, HKUST, and HKUST will share with us their wise practices on assessment design in internationalisation of teaching and learning. Following discussion of these wise practices, participants will identify possible approaches to adapting pedagogical strategies to meet the needs of a diverse group, and reflect on how assessment design becomes a critical step to an equal and inclusive learning environment for students at all levels.

About the Speaker

Mr. Patrick Leung is Assistant Lecturer at the Centre for Applied English Studies at HKU teaching English for academic and specific purposes courses. Over his years of teaching, he has worked with students from different cultural backgrounds and tried out different practices and strategies to help make student learning experience more international and inclusive.

Ms. Melissa Megan is Senior Lecturer in the Center for Language Education at HKUST where she has worked since 1999. She has taught many of the courses offered by the Center. She is currently coordinator of the two biggest courses in the Center – the Common Core English courses. Melissa grew up and started her teaching career in Australia. In the early 1990’s she was part of a taskforce for the implementation of the NSW Department of School Education’s Multicultural Education Policy, and she lectured on this policy and anti-racism education at the University of New England, NSW. She now calls Hong Kong home but also regularly visits Cambodia where she helps manage the education programmes of an NGO in Siem Reap.

Dr. Kristen Li is Lecturer and Associate Master Programme Director at HKBU. She holds PHD degree in Computer Science. Dr. Li is a professional Design Thinking facilitator. She is actively promoting Internationalisation in Education, including coordinating exchange/internship programmes and designing curriculum which enhance students’ global competitiveness.

Contact Information
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Joza Kot by email at jozakot@hku.hk.
