Teaching and Learning

The University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Governance and Planning Teaching and learning is central to the University’s Mission, which together with the University’s Vision and Role statements articulate HKU’s position as an English-medium, research intensive institution, committed to providing a campus-based education in a comprehensive range of academic disciplines for outstanding students by […]

Embracing Teaching and Learning Challenges and Trends in Higher Education

Educators, wherever we are, should keep up with the challenges and trends in higher education worldwide. One effective way to stay informed is to engage in dialogues with colleagues from around the world. On 20 June, 2017, we learnt about the top 10 challenges and trends in Australian universities in a seminar delivered by Dr […]

A Successful SLEQ 10th Anniversary Exhibition

Which words would you use to describe how you feel about your university experience? Exciting? Stressful? Rewarding? From April 18-21, the Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit (T&LEMU) invited students to participate in an interactive exhibition to present the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ) and hear their feedback about university life. T&LEMU is excited […]

“eProfessors” at the National Taiwan University

By the courtesy of the Teaching Innovation Unit at the Centre for Teaching and Learning Development of the National Taiwan University (NTU), TELI participated in a professional development programme entitled “eProfessor” that was held on April 29-30, 2017 – the Labour Day long weekend. We have heard about the magic of this bootcamp from Professor […]