Online Questionnaire for Kwan Fong Lecture Theatre design

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Students and Colleagues,

The University is planning to refurbish Kwan Fong Lecture Theatre on 2/F of Knowles Building (KB223). At this stage, the architect is exploring the design options for this central lecture theatre.

5 layout options have been developed (whether it will be a traditional one, a collaborative one or inbetween). The University wishes to collect views and opinions from the University community for reference in the ensuing design development.

You are cordially invited to participate in an online survey that covers the key themes of environment, technology, learning space quality and design. Please spare 5 minutes and join the online survey which is accessible at the following link:

Your answers will remain anonymous and will be kept strictly confidential. Your response before 31st January 2017 would be very much appreciated. For enquiries, please contact Mr. David Lo of the Estates Office at

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Best regards,

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) The University of Hong Kong
Chairman, Learning Environment Committee

E-learning survey


Message from Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate in an online e-learning survey conducted
at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The aim of the survey is to collect data
about teachers’ perceptions of their experience on the use of all types of
technologies to enhance teaching and learning in conjunction with face-to-face
learning. We invite all teachers to participate in this survey. A separate survey
investigating students’ perceptions of their e-learning experience is being
administered concurrently. Findings from previous surveys have informed the
formulation of our E-learning Strategy 2015. Your feedback this year will
continue to help us to provide a better physical and virtual learning environment
at HKU.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your answers will
remain anonymous and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential.

To participate in the online survey, please visit:

If you have any questions or queries about this survey please contact Dr Maggie Zhao of the Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit at

Best regards,

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
The University of Hong Kong

The Review 2016 – Teaching and Learning



The 2015–16 academic year saw both affirmation and enrichment of our education goals. The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) made its six-yearly inspection of the University and reported very favourably on the quality of our teaching and learning. This valuable feedback came as we expanded our vision and aspirations for students to include providing every student with a quality international and Mainland China learning experience by 2022, offering more joint and dual degree programmes with overseas partners, and encouraging innovation in our programmes and our student achievement.

Read more

UGC Funding Scheme for T&L Related Proposals (2016-19 Triennium): update

feature-ugcDear Colleagues,

Further to our invitation circular dated August 3, 2016
(for details see:, we would like to invite each team preparing to submit an application through HKU for the UGC’s current T&L funding scheme to send a brief one-page outline of their proposal to Professor Grahame Bilbow, Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

Professor Bilbow is liaising with representatives from the other universities, so as to ensure that information about project proposals is shared across the sector. It will be very helpful for him to have an early sense of the proposals that are now being developed at HKU.

If available at this stage, your outline should include the draft project title, a brief summary of the project, the names of anticipated partner institutions, and a draft budget (indicating the total budget sought, along with the anticipated contributions of each of the partner institutions). The deadline for submitting outlines to is Friday 23 September 2016.

Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
Professor John Kao, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global)

HKU Horizons Experience Awards


Message from HKU Horizons Office

In support of its internationalization agenda, the University last year launched HKU Horizons, with the specific aim to promote and provide educationally meaningful and robust Mainland and international (ML/INT) learning experiences for undergraduate students.

In order to encourage students to reflect on and share their ML/INT learning experiences, the HKU Horizons Experience Awards have been established. The HKU Horizons Experience Awards competition will be organized annually in January, with a top prize of $10,000 and two further prizes of $5,000 to be awarded.

To enter the competition, undergraduate students must submit a video of not more than three minutes capturing and reflecting on their ML/INT learning experience. Submissions may be made on an individual or a group basis.

Awards will be made on the basis of the substance and value of the learning experience captured, and also the quality of the video presentation. The winning videos, acknowledged as “HKU Horizons Experience”, may be used by the university for promotional purposes, both internal and external. The student producer, individual or group, will be acknowledged as appropriate. The videos may also be refined as appropriate and authorised by the HKU Horizons Committee.

The 2016-17 Round is now open for submission. Further details can be obtained at The deadline for submission is Monday January 23, 2017 (2400).

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
The University of Hong Kong

UGC Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals (2016-19 Triennium)

feature-ugcThe UGC has launched a Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals in the 2016-19 triennium, modelled on the 2012-15 Scheme, to incentivise UGC-funded institutions in exploring and developing further in the following sector-wide strategic areas:

(a) innovation;
(b) enhancement of student learning experience;
(c) enhancement of internationalisation and engagement with Mainland China; and
(d) language enhancement.

Applications are now invited for bidding under the Funding Scheme. Please refer to the invitation circular of August 3, 2016 (document 108/816) jointly issued by the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) and Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) for further details.

Submissions, in hard and soft copies, should reach Ms. Synthia Chau, Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance (CDQA) Section of the Registry in accordance with the internal deadlines specified in paragraph 5 of the circular, essentially,

(a) November 11, 2016 for proposals crossing many or all Faculties, where matching funds support from a central pool contributed by Faculties will be considered; and

(b) December 8, 2016 for proposals that are discipline-specific or cover no more than a small number of disciplines, where the matching funds will come from Faculties/Departments. Prior approval should be obtained from Faculties/Departments on the source of matching funds before submission to CDQA.

Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Chau (tel: 2859 2440; email: or Ms. Julie Lau (tel: 2219 4997; email: of CDQA.

Teaching Excellence Award Scheme 2016

Message from Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry

teas2015This is to remind colleagues and students that nominations are now invited for the various awards under the Teaching Excellence Award Scheme (TEAS). The TEAS aims to recognise, reward and promote excellence in teaching at the University, which comprises four categories of awards, viz. University Distinguished Teaching Award (UDTA), Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA), Teaching Innovation Award (TIA), and Early Career Teaching Award (ECTA). Besides awards to individuals, both OTA and TIA have team awards to recognise and encourage collaborative effort and achievements in enhancing teaching and learning.

Please refer to the circular of May 5, 2016 from the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) for further details:


Nominees are encouraged to contact the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) for advice on the preparation of teaching portfolios. In addition to the TEAS workshop organised by CETL held on August 25, 2016 to support interested staff members to prepare for their submissions, another workshop will be held on September 19, 2016, details of which are available via this link:

All nominations and the supporting documents should reach Ms. Synthia Chau, Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry, by September 30, 2016. Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Chau on 2859 2440 or via email to

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Message from Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry

tefs-bannerApplications are now invited for the Teaching Exchange Fellowship (TEF) Scheme. The Scheme aims to enhance the scholarship of teaching at the University through enabling academic staff members to share experience and to collaborate on teaching and curriculum development initiatives at reputable universities where excellent pedagogical practices or curriculum innovation are being implemented, and to facilitate reciprocal visits to the University by academic staff of these institutions. The Scheme is a measure also to ensure that our curriculum and pedagogy are benchmarked against international best practice.

All full-time teaching staff with a minimum of two years of service at the University are eligible to apply. Applicants are expected to take a leadership role in curriculum enhancement and pedagogical innovations at the departmental/Faculty level.

Details of the Scheme and application procedures can be viewed at:

Interested colleagues are encouraged to attend the CETL seminars to be held in October 2016 and February 2017. Applications should be submitted to Ms. Julie Lau, Secretary, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee Sub-Group on TEF, c/o Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry. Applications in 2016-17 will be processed in two rounds with the following deadlines:

1st round – Friday, November 18, 2016
2nd round – Friday, March 17, 2017

Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Lau (

Teaching Excellence Award Scheme 2016

Message from Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry

teas2015This is to remind colleagues and students that nominations are now invited for the awards under the Teaching Excellence Award Scheme (TEAS) in 2016. The invitation circular dated May 5, 2016 from the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor is accessible at

The TEAS aims to recognise, reward and promote excellence in teaching at the University. In addition to the existing three categories of awards, viz. University Distinguished Teaching Award (UDTA), Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA), and Teaching Innovation Award (TIA), the University introduces a new Early Career Teaching Award (ECTA) this year to recognise the outstanding contributions and commitment of our colleagues who are at an early stage of their teaching career. Besides individual awards, both OTA and TIA comprise team awards to recognise and encourage collaborative effort and achievement in enhancing teaching and learning. All Faculties are encouraged to nominate colleagues who have made outstanding teaching and learning contributions for these awards.

Please refer to the abovementioned circular for further details. Nominees are encouraged to contact the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) for advice on the preparation of teaching portfolios. Seminars/workshops will be organised by CETL to support interested staff members to prepare for their submissions.

All nominations and the supporting documents should reach Ms. Synthia Chau, Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section, by September 30, 2016. Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Chau at 2859 2440 or email to

One-day Join-the-Conversation: Community of Practice – Aspects of Internationalisation


One-day Join-the-Conversation: Community of Practice – Aspects of Internationalisation
Date : 24 June 2016 (Friday)
Time : 8:45 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Venue : CPD 3.28, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Betty Leask, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), La Trobe University
Professor Gerard Postiglione, Chair Professor in Higher Education, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Steve Woodfield, Associate Professor, Kingston University London


This year, the University of Hong Kong was ranked the third most international university in the world. Indeed, as part of the University’s vision for this triennium, we proclaim ourselves Asia’s Global University.

This event acts as a showcase of what we know and value about the internationalisation of teaching and learning at the University of Hong Kong, and what we can learn about trends in internationalisation globally. The programme focuses on three key aspects of internationalisation in relation to students, academic staff and the curriculum, and explores how, collectively, they help to shape an international university. As is only fitting for an event focused on internationalisation, we have invited renowned scholars from around the world to share their insights and experiences with us.

This event is taking place under the aegis of CETL’s Community of Practice Project, which has resulted in collaboration with staff from across the campus with the intention of fostering a community of practice in teaching and learning – collaboration which has already resulted in a creation of a large bank of teaching and learning resources based on case studies at the University of Hong Kong and internationally.


Time Section Speaker/Panellist
08:45 – 09:10 Registration and Refreshments
09:10 – 09:15 Opening Remarks Prof. Ian Holliday
09:15 – 09:30 Overview of the Event Prof. Grahame Bilbow
09:30 – 11:00 Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning (1):
the Curriculum
Prof. Betty Leask
11:00 – 11:30 Tea Break
11:30 – 13:00 Establishing and Fostering a Community of Practice on Teaching and Learning: the HKU Community of Practice Project Prof. Grahame Bilbow,
Prof. Dai Hounsell and
Dr. Tracy Zou
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning (2):
Academic Staff
Prof. Gerard Postiglione
15:00 – 16:00 Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning (3):
Dr. Steve Woodfield
16:00 – 16:15 Tea Break
16:15 – 17:00 Panel Discussion – Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning: Ways Forward? Discussant:
Prof. Dai Hounsell
17:00 – 17:15 Closing Dr. Tracy Zou


For information, please contact:
Ms. Noranda Zhang , CETL
Phone: 3917 4729; Email:​