The First and Only MOOC on the Ethics of FinTech

FinTech Ethics and Risks is the second course in the HKU FinTech Professional Certificate Program. Upon its initial launch on May 15th, 2019, over 5,000 learners from 154 countries and regions have joint and actively engaged in the discussions around the ethical impact of FinTech. Learner distribution of FinTech Ethics and Risks. FinTech has started […]

Implant Dentistry MOOC returns!

Click here if you cannot access Youtube Click here if you cannot access Youtube The world-class quality Implant Dentistry MOOC will be launching its re-run on 27 May 2019! During its first run in October 2016, over 7000 learners from 50+ countries enrolled. Launched by the HKU Faculty of Dentistry, ranked No.1 in the world […]

Developing Reflective Skills and Assessing the Self-assessment Ability of Dental Students through the Teaching of Implant Dentistry

Teaching Development Grants Completed TDG Projects Assessment and Feedback Developing Reflective Skills and Assessing the Self-assessment Ability of Dental Students through the Teaching of Implant Dentistry Abstract Clinicians are faced on a daily basis with complex problems and need to make fast decisions that can seriously affect the long-term quality of life of patients. Such […]

E-portfolio – a Tool for Reflective, Autonomous Learning: Evaluation and Further Development

Teaching Development Grants Completed TDG Projects IT in the Curriculum and E-learning E-portfolio – a Tool for Reflective, Autonomous Learning: Evaluation and Further Development Abstract Operational Priorities of HKU suggest to continuously adapt the teaching in order “to enhance the lifelong learning capability of the graduates”. The aim of this proposal was to evaluate a […]

Developing E-learning Resources for Speech & Hearing Sciences

Teaching Development Grants Completed TDG Projects IT in the Curriculum and E-learning Developing E-learning Resources for Speech & Hearing Sciences Abstract This project will develop e-learning resources to underpin learning and teaching in the revised BSc Speech & Hearing Sciences (SHS) curriculum to be implemented in two phases starting in 2016-2017. Speech language therapists aim […]