We are happy to inform that the second issue of the Teaching and Learning Connections e-newsletter focusing on ‘Revisiting Assessment for Learning’ is available here http://www.cetl.hku.hk/teaching-learning-cop/issue-02/. The present issue has gathered a number of innovative assessment practices adopted by HKU colleagues across faculties, departments and units.
For enquires about the e-newsletter, please contact Dr. Tracy Zou by email tracyzou@hku.hk
The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) has just released its Report of the second institutional Quality Audit of the University of Hong Kong. I am pleased to let you know that the Report is very positive and encouraging.
The QAC Audit Panel complimented HKU for its commitment to quality teaching and learning. The Report praises HKU for its high academic standards, for the Common Core Curriculum which has had a significant impact on the intellectual, social and ethical development of undergraduates across the University, for providing a wide range of formal and informal learning opportunities inclusive of international learning experiences, for offering a comprehensive range of student services promoting the holistic development of students, and for innovations in postgraduate education.
I wish to highlight the Report’s conclusion that “the University has a strong and widespread commitment to the quality of learning opportunities and has put in place an appropriate and comprehensive quality assurance and quality enhancement system that supports its over-arching strategic goal to be a leading international institution of higher learning. Dialogue between the Audit Panel and staff and students of the University revealed a reflective academic community committed to attaining world-class academic standards and an enhanced student experience.” The Audit did indeed provide an excellent opportunity for us to showcase the concerted effort of the entire University in upholding high academic standards and providing students with enriched and valuable learning experiences.
HKU has an established tradition of self-reflection and striving for excellence. The University will continue to build on its robust quality assurance and quality enhancement mechanisms with a view to continuously enhancing teaching and learning quality and the student learning experience. In formulating an action plan in response to the Audit Panel’s recommendations and suggestions, the University intends to reach out to relevant stakeholders for consultation. The key areas include articulation and promulgation of an overarching strategic approach to setting the academic standards of our awards, continued development of a conceptual framework to capture student achievement across the spectrum, and broadening of our strategy for internationalisation of the student learning environment. The Audit Report incorporating the University’s response is available on the Teaching and Learning website (https://tl.hku.hk/tl/quality-assurance/hku-qac-audit-2015/).
The overall success of the Audit belongs to the entire HKU family – my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to and participated in the exercise. With the ongoing support of staff, students, alumni and friends, I am confident that we will be able to take HKU’s teaching and learning to new heights under the strategic directions of Internationalisation, Innovation, Interdisciplinarity and Impact.
Professor Peter Mathieson
President and Vice-Chancellor
Here is a chance for you to explore the endless possibilities of e-learning with us. HKU will be launching an open online course on the basics of e-learning for teachers of all sectors on Apr 14. This course will teach you how to create educational videos, flip your classroom and improve your teaching through analyzing students’ online behaviour. You will also gain exposure to the latest EdTech used in both on-campus teaching and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
You will have a chance to create your own videos with our e-learning technologists at HKU.
This course, entitled “Scale Out Teaching; Scale Up Learning”, includes both interactive online lectures and face-to-face video-making workshops. The course schedule is as follows:
14 Apr
Online Session 0
Online Session 1
E-learning Ecosystem: Setting the Scene
Interactive Online Learning: Getting Started
22 Apr
Face-to-Face Session A
Creating Your Online Video
28 Apr
Online Session 2
Blended Learning: Teaching On-Campus
5 May
Online Session 3
MOOC: Teaching The World
12 May
Online Session 4
Learning Analytics: Using Learner’s Data To Improve Teaching
20 May
Face-to-Face Session B
Show and Tell
The course is part of the Blended & Online Learning & Teaching (BOLT) Project, which aims at supporting professional development of teachers’ skills in online and blended teaching. The project is a collaborative effort of five institutions – PolyU, HKIEd, HKBU, HKU and HKUST. All teachers are welcome to join this vibrant learning community.
Embark your e-learning journey with us now!
We all know that nuclear accident is a dreadful disaster. But do you know what actions should be taken if such a disaster strikes today? Learn how to respond to nuclear emergencies in our new online course, Radiation Emergencies.
This online course will take you on a journey to explore the fundamentals of radiation and Chemical Biological Radiation Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies. You will learn the proper ways to detect radiation and develop an in-depth understanding of the effects caused by acute exposure to radiation. Enriched by a wide range of learning resources, including videos of clinical demonstration on how to don and remove protective equipment, as well as survey and decontaminate nuclear victims, this course will teach you how to protect yourself from radiation and help nuclear victims.
Clinical demonstration on radioactive measurement and decontamination.
This self-paced free online course is suitable for first responders to radiation emergencies and members of the general public interested in the topic. Jointly developed by the Emergency Care Unit of HKU and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute, it is the first in our series of e-learning modules on CBRN emergencies. Join us now and earn a certificate!
Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)
Dear Colleagues,
Staff Teaching Space Experience Survey – 2016
IT Services will be conducting an online Teaching Space Experience Survey on behalf of the University for a 3 week, commencing on Monday 14th March and closing at 5pm on Friday 1st April 2016.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information about your experiences and perceptions of the classroom environments that you use to deliver your lectures and seminars etc. in order to find out what you think is important and of any issues to be addressed.
Your opinions are valuable to us and this information will help us understand how we can provide better facilities to support your teaching. A separate survey investigating the student learning environment experience was closed on Friday 11th March 2016.
The results of both will be used to inform the University Strategy for future development of Teaching and Learning Spaces over the coming planning period (2-3 years) to ensure that space provided for teaching and learning is fit for purpose and of good quality in order to enhance the student learning experience.
I am very pleased to announce the award recipients of the University’s Teaching Excellence Awards 2015. There are now three categories of award. Alongside the established University Distinguished Teaching Award and Outstanding Teaching Award, we introduced a Teaching Innovation Award this year. The Selection Panel was deeply impressed with the awardees’ dedication to teaching, their tireless and creative efforts to make learning enjoyable and challenging, and the impact that they have made on their students’ learning. Because of the eminent achievements of two candidates for the University Distinguished Teaching Award, the Panel decided unanimously to honour both of them.
University Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Joseph C.W. Chan, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences Professor Rick A. Glofcheski, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Outstanding Teaching Award
Dr. Chun-kit Chui, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering Ms. Katherine L. Lynch, Department of Law, Faculty of Law Dr. Julian A. Tanner, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Miss Nicole J. Tavares, Faculty of Education Dr. Marco M.H. Wan, Department of Law, Faculty of Law
Teaching Innovation Award
Dr. Michael G. Botelho, Faculty of Dentistry
The awardees will be honoured at a presentation ceremony on Monday May 9, 2016. Please do join us for that if you can. Their names will be posted on the Teaching Excellence Awards Honour Board.
I would like to thank our external assessor Professor Huang Hoon Chng (Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) of the National University of Singapore) for providing us with expert advice in situ during the final selection process. I would also like to thank the other Panel members, Professor Ian Holliday, Professor Grahame Bilbow, Mr. Matthew Pryor and Miss Arika Ho (student representative), for their assistance in this important exercise.
Many congratulations to all the awardees – I look forward to seeing you all at the presentation ceremony!
Professor Peter Mathieson, President
Selection Panel for Teaching Excellence Awards 2015
The University Grants Committee (UGC) introduced in 2011 a new UGC Teaching Award to honour staff in the UGC sector who excel in teaching and to signal the importance attached by the UGC to quality teaching and learning. The latest structure of the UGC Teaching Award consists of two categories: (1) general Faculty members/teams; and (2) early career Faculty members (open to individuals only). The University is invited to nominate up to three individuals/teams, including up to two nominations for the category of general Faculty members/teams and no more than one nomination for the category of early career Faculty members.
Applications are now invited from teaching excellence award winners for the category of general Faculty members/teams, and from outstanding young teachers for the category of early career Faculty members. For details, please refer to the respective circulars below. Submissions should reach Ms. Synthia Chau, Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry, by April 1, 2016.
Applications are now invited for the Teaching Development Grants (TDGs). TDGs are intended to support projects and activities that will have an impact on the strategic development and promotion of Teaching and Learning. For priority areas and other details, please refer to Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)’s invitation circular dated February 3, 2016 (document 60/216, URL below):
Applications should be submitted to Ms. Synthia Chau, Secretary, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, c/o Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section, Registry. TDG applications will be processed in batches according to the following cut-off dates in 2016:
1st round – Wednesday, April 13, 2016
2nd round – Friday, October 14, 2016
3rd round – Friday, December 30, 2016
Important message from Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in an online e-learning survey conducted at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The aim of the survey is to collect data about teachers’ perceptions of their experience on the use of all types of technologies to enhance teaching and learning in conjunction with face-to-face learning. We invite all teachers to participate in this survey. A separate survey investigating students’ perceptions of their e-learning experience is being administered concurrently. Findings from last year’s survey have informed the formulation of our E-learning Strategy 2015. Your feedback this year will continue to help us to provide a better physical and virtual learning environment at HKU.
It takes about 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your answers will remain anonymous and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential.
To participate in the online survey, please visit:
(1) Tips in Teaching & Learning support – “My eLearning” tab of HKU Portal:
The “My eLearning” tab lists the courses of a teacher as registered in SIS and the Moodle courses that he/she requests explicitly (e.g. use one Moodle course to replace two courses created in Moodle according to SIS data).
Now in the “My eLearning” tab, the courses activated for student access are grouped and appear first before the group of not-yet activated courses. (For more information, please visit the Moodle Resources website at http://moodle-support.hku.hk/new-arrangement-my-elearning-tab-layout-teachers for more information).
(2) Moodle & Panopto training workshops
Moodle is the central learning management system supporting teachers to create online learning content. Panopto supports teachers to do audio/video recording synchronized with PowerPoint slides and PC/Mac desktop display. Students can view the recordings through Moodle courses and search inside the recordings. A module Panopto unison lets teachers upload their existing video files for further editing. The lecture theatres upgraded after 2011 are equipped with PC/AV facilities for recording of lectures readily.
The following upcoming hands-on workshops in October are now open for your registration.
(1) KB110 = Room 110, Knowles Building
CPD-2.58 = Room 2.58, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus
(2) If you have taken a Moodle hands-on workshop offered by the ITS, we recommend you follow up with an eLearning Pedagogical Support Unit (EPSU)/Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) and a Faculty of Education/Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) seminar. These seminars focus on teaching approaches and good and innovative teaching practices, complement the Moodle workshops offered by the ITS.