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Responsive4U e-Symposium – Online conference at your own pace June 8, 2020 Posted in: Conference, Responsive4U

You are cordially invited to the Responsive4U e-Symposium, an interactive online event featuring a UGC funded project, entitled “The Responsive University: Appreciating Content Sharing in General Education,” (also code-named as Responsive4U).

Visit the e-symposium:

Under the Responsive4U project, 11 General Education courses offered in blended format were shared among four local institutions (HKU, CUHK, PolyU, and HKUST), reaching over 2000 students. This content sharing initiative allows institutions to amplify the impact of their quality teaching. Most importantly, the multilateral exchanges among students, teachers and university administrators have opened up practicable genuinely student-oriented ways of teaching and learning.

The Responsive4U e-Symposium featuring:
From June 9 to June 30, interact with online content at your own pace:

  • Presentations on project insights and feedback;
  • Panel discussions with project participants;
  • Course design sharing posters; and
  • Online discussions with project team and event participants.

On June 22 (Monday), 10:00am-12:00noon HKT, join our live session with university leaders to explore how institutions can become more responsive in the digital era.

Come on in to the e-symposium: !

No registration required, all are welcome. We look forward to your presence online!

Responsive4U Project Team
Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative

Europe Without Borders? May 12, 2020 Posted in: COVID-19, Europe, European Union



About this course

Do you wonder what the European Union is all about? What challenges does it face and can it survive them? How will the eurozone crisis, the refugee crisis, Brexit and the COVID-19 outbreak reshape Europe? This is the course for you!

In this course, we will introduce you to key concepts and historical turning points, which have shaped contemporary Europe. What is national sovereignty and can it be shared? What impact has the 1989 collapse of communism had on Europe and is the East-West divide still relevant today? Can the North-South division triggered by the eurozone crisis be overcome, or will it be reinforced through the COVID-19 outbreak? And finally, what is the best size for a political unit?

The course’s ultimate focus is on the function and status of national and European borders and the question of what it means to belong to a political community: who is in, who is out? How and why are people included or excluded? And, what, finally, is the future of a borderless Europe?

Taught by a skeptical European who lived, studied and worked in Germany, Slovakia, Ireland, Australia and Hong Kong, this course includes a number of interviews with leading scholars, practitioners and best-selling authors, including Timothy Garton Ash, David Goodhart, Kalypso Nicolaïdis, George Papandreou and Helen Thompson.

The European Union pervades all aspects of people’s lives. But the course will be of particular interest to many professionals dealing with the EU whether they are EU citizens, or not.

Week 1: Europe at a crossroads: COVID-19 & Brexit

  • What is the ideal of a “Europe without Borders”? Are we witnessing its unravelling?
  • How is Europe confronting the challenges of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Why does the concept of sovereignty matter for understanding the current state of the world?

Week 2: The European Union and the nation-state

  • Who are “We, the People”? What holds political communities together? Who is included/excluded?
  • What type of political unit is the European Union? What does it mean to be an EU citizen? Has the EU transcended the idea of sovereignty?

Week 3: A union under strain: The Eurozone and refugee crises

  • Has European integration proceeded too fast?
  • Eurozone crisis: what are the limits of solidarity inside the EU?
  • Refugee crisis: Towards a divided Europe of reinstated borders?

Week 4: Post-1989 Europe and the “end of history”

  • The meaning of 1989 and the return of Central Europe
  • Is the old East-West divide still relevant today?
  • Can European values survive the resurgence of illiberalism? What are the prospects of the European project in the near future?
Advanced Cardiac Imaging: Cardiac Computed Tomography May 8, 2020 Posted in: Cardiac Imaging



About this course

This course, developed by the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong in collaboration with committee members of international and national cardiac imaging societies, is for radiologists, cardiologists, radiographers/ technologists and other health professionals who want to learn more about this imaging modality. The course follows the level 1 recommendations of cardiac imaging societies by covering the required topics and providing 50 hands-on cardiac CT cases. Previous experience in cardiac CT is not required.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding of the common cardiac CT examinations in order to better understand how to acquire cardiac images and to interpret them.
  • Ability to analyse cardiac CT images at level 1 competency such as calcium score, CT coronary angiography, TAVI.
  • Attain hands-on experience to analyse real cases from a database of 50 clinical cases, using dedicated software, as well as further supplementation through our web forum.
  • Basic understanding of future developments in the cardiac CT field.
  • Provide career advice and thoughts from well-known experts through exclusive interviews.

A MOOC on cardiovascular magnetic resonance will be available on this platform in the near future. Watch this space!

WEEK 1: Anatomy and common types of Cardiac CT
This MOOC will begin with a course on cardiac anatomy and common cardiac CT examinations (e.g calcium score, CT coronary angiogram, pulmonary vein CT and TAVI). You will also learn basics on contrasts agents.

WEEK 2: Role, Analysis & Reporting of Cardiac CT
In this section, we will teach you the role of calcium score, CT coronary angiogram, CT pulmonary veins and TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) and how to interpret those examinations. We will also explain the role and analysis of CT for planning atrial fibrillation therapy.

WEEK 3: Technology, Image Production and Post Processing
This section will cover the principles of image production at the scanner (e.g physics, adapted protocols, radiation exposure). You will also learn image post-processing for analysis.

WEEK 4: Specialized Utilization of CT
In the last section, we will introduce you to more advanced utilizations of cardiac CT (e.g Ventricular function, CT FFR, myocardial perfusion, spectral CT) and future developments in cardiac CT.

You will also have the opportunity to practice on clinical cases and discuss this through our web forum every week.

Scaling Out Your Teaching: Lessons Learned in the QS Reimagine Education Awards 2019 April 6, 2020 Posted in: Everyday Computing, Experiential Learning, Reimagine, Reimagine Education Awards

Scaling Out Your Teaching: Lessons Learned in the QS Reimagine Education Awards 2019

The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Awards are designed to reward institutions of higher education that have created and implemented outstanding new approaches to teaching and learning, particularly those that can demonstrate the uniqueness, innovation, and efficacy of their pedagogy. In 2019, colleagues from various universities in Hong Kong has enjoyed much success at these awards with multiple shortlisted and winning entries, after rigorous rounds of evaluation and moderation. In particular, the Experiential Learning (EL) Team from the Faculty of Education has won the Gold Award 2020 in the “Presence Learning” Category at the QS Reimagine Education Awards. They were the only teacher education team to pick up an award, competing against universities, tech and start-up groups from all over the world, transforming teaching, learning, or employability outcomes.

In this seminar, colleagues will share their insights on converting great educational innovations into award-winning showcases. We will provide tips for packaging your successful teaching case to application proposal for QS Reimagine Education Awards 2020. If you are transforming teaching, learning, or employability outcomes, you are highly recommended to join this seminar for more information about the Awards, and submit your project to the Reimagine Education Awards 2020.

Date : 6 May 2020 (Wed)
Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Venue : To be held virtually by Zoom



  1. “Everyday Computing Board Game”
    Speaker: Ms. Andrea Qi, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, HKU
  2. “Transforming Teachers through Community-based Experiential Learning”
    (Gold Award – Presence Learning)
    Speaker: Dr. Gary Harfitt and Ms. Jessie Chow, Faculty of Education, HKU
  3. “Scientific Inquiry Reinvented”
    Speaker: Dr. Wincy Chan, Department of Pathology, HKU
  4. “PALMS Project for STEM Tertiary Education”
    (Bronze Award – Hybrid Learning)
    Speaker: Dr. Fridolin Ting, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU
  5. “How to apply QS Reimagine Education Awards”
    Speaker: Dr. Leon Lei, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, HKU

This seminar is also co-organized by the IEEE Hong Kong Section Education Chapter.

Scaling-up online asynchronous and synchronous interprofessional education (Online IPE) March 27, 2020 Posted in: IPE


Guest blogger series: Dr. Fred Ganotice, Jr.
Dr. Fred Ganotice, Jr. serves as the program coordinator of Interprofessional education of the Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education. Through his TDG-supported project called “Finetuning the application exercise and facilitation strategies of interprofessional education”, he works to improve further the IPE model currently being implemented.

Interprofessional Education (IPE) aims to break educational silos by putting students from diverse backgrounds to be better collaborators by learning with, from, and about each other, thus managing power hierarchies in the workplace. Teamwork and collaboration are important learning competencies to help prepare future health professionals reshape both the process (e.g., from silos to interprofessional team-based care) of health care management and health outcomes. IPE becomes a means within which future healthcare professionals become collaborative practice ready.

This year, IPE has been scaled-up to include both face-to-face IPE and “online asynchronous and synchronous IPE” and are participated in by five disciplines: Chinese Medicine, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Social Work. The outbreak of coronavirus disease has prompted the inclusion of online IPE which helps mitigate the potential health risks of large student gatherings. Three of the four IPE lessons have been transformed into online IPE.

IPE Lesson Mode Duration Student Participants
1. Anticoagulation therapy Face-to-face January 19, 2020 MBBS – 116
Nursing – 123
Pharmacy – 30
Total 269
2. Multiple drugs and complementary therapies Online Feb 10 – 22, 2020 MBBS – 114
Nursing – 84
Pharmacy – 30
Chinese Med – 9
Total 237
3. Depression Online March 2 – 14, 2020 MBBS – 116
Nursing – 93
Chinese Med -24
Social Work – 22
Total 255
4. Cancer Online March 16 – 28, 2020 MBBS – 114
Nursing – 93
Chinese Med -15
Social Work – 22
Total 274

The online IPE is built around asynchronous self-paced interprofessional team-based activities, online discussion teams, and healthcare planning exercises to develop teamwork skills among students. The content experts go live for an online synchronous interactive discussion while students participate via Zoom in the convenience of their homes.

screencap1_newDr George L. Tipoe, BIMHSE Director, facilitates interteam discussion in IPE Anticoagulation Therapy

screencap1_newThe teachers involved in IPE Multiple drugs and complementary therapies process the IPE team activities

screencap1_newThe sequence of activities for Online synchronous and asynchronous IPE.

screencap1_newSample of discussion board entries of a team in readiness assurance test (tRAT)

To promote teamwork and collaboration among teams, they are instructed to represent the knowledge of their discipline in the discussion of multiple-choice questions as a team. We used the within team differences in perspectives to push them to discuss more and be respectful to other disciplines.

An important part of Online IPE is the formulation of interprofessional care plans, which provides students from four to five disciplines the chance to integrate their collective intelligence and expertise in the management of patients.

screencap1_newSample team care plan developed based on a clinical case (asynchronous team activity)

This year, infographics on guidelines in facilitating interteam discussion is made available to the teachers to help them be more equipped in developing amongst teams desirable teamwork skills e.g., collaborative decision making and problem solving, teamwork and collaboration, communication (ability to listen and express), negotiation, respect for the opinion of other disciplines (e.g., accommodate/reconcile differences in perspectives), and social skills (e.g., being comfortable in team).

screencap1_newGuidelines to facilitate IPE interteam discussion (developed through the help of CETL and TELi)

Initial evaluation data provide sources of reflection for the program implementers. For example, the following realization from a student is a good point for reflection: “I used to think that doctors always play the most significant role in healthcare. I realized that it’s not – as they also need the support of other disciplines and it’s critical to form an interprofessional team in order to provide quality care for the patients. In the future I plan to exchange idea and collaborate with peers from different disciplines” (lifted verbatim).

If you want to learn more about online IPE, please contact Dr. George L. Tipoe ( or Dr. Fred A. Ganotice, Jr., ( at Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Bau Institute of Health Sciences Education. If you want to know the technical aspects of running large classes, you may contact the Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI) via