6. Recognition and Development of Teaching Excellence
6.2.1 Teaching performance is one of the key aspects for staff performance review in major personnel events such as contract renewal, tenure and promotion. In the PRD exercise, the criteria for assessing teaching performance include relevant data on teaching undertaken such as student feedback on courses and teaching; professional development in teaching; leadership/participation in teaching-related activities such as curriculum design/development, pedagogy and assessment improvement/innovation, and academic advising; awards in recognition of teaching excellence or other contributions to education; and positive feedback in the peer review of teaching report(s). Staff members, in consultation with their Head of Department or Faculty Dean, can elect to weight the four or five aspects of performance (viz. T&L, research and scholarship, knowledge exchange, service/administration, and clinical service (only applicable to specific clinical staff)) differentially within the specified ranges.
Teaching awards
6.2.2 The Teaching Excellence Award Scheme (TEAS) aims to recognise, reward and promote excellence in teaching at the University (Appendix 6.1). Under TEAS, there are four awards, viz. the University Distinguished Teaching Award (UDTA), Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA), Teaching Innovation Award (TIA) and Early Career Teaching Award (ECTA). In addition to individual awards, both OTA and TIA grant team awards to recognise and encourage collaborative effort and achievement in enhancing T&L. Recipients of UDTA and OTA (individual) will be awarded the prestigious title of Presidential Teaching Fellow. All staff members and students are encouraged to nominate teachers who have made outstanding T&L contributions for these awards. All Faculties also have their own teaching award schemes.
6.3 Professional development and support for teaching staff
6.3.1 Professional development for teaching staff, including leadership development courses, is organised mainly by TALIC. TALIC is committed to work across the University to enhance the quality of teaching and student learning experience. TALIC provides support in operationalising the institutional T&L strategies and meets the needs of a diverse range of academics at different stages of their career. It engages with the University and Faculties in various forms of activities as outlined below:
- supporting the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) and TLQC in strategic policy development and implementation;
- providing bespoke programmes for the preparation and development of teaching staff across all Faculties and the CC (e.g. Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for academics) from those new to teaching (e.g. Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for postgraduate teaching assistants; Teaching in Practice) to early-mid career academics (e.g. HKU Advance Fellowship Scheme accredited with Advance HE under the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)) and, from 2023, for those seeking a formal postgraduate qualification (a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice awarded through the Faculty of Education);
- sharing good practices through engagement across the University, e.g. professional development seminars, workshops and conferences, and seminars for showcasing good teaching practices arising from the Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme, HKU and UGC teaching awards and TDG projects;
- organising voluntary continuing professional development (CPD) events in alignment with the University’s developing strategic priorities for T&L, primarily for HKU teaching staff, but also inviting, where appropriate, international and regional guest speakers;
- leading and supporting UGC Virtual Teaching and Learning grant incubation; providing internal biannual Winter/Summer Sandboxes to support blended learning in course (re)designs; offering seminars and workshops on implementation of e-learning platforms and tools; and delivering an external, massive open online course “University Teaching” in partnership with Coursera;
- supporting QA and QE processes by assisting Faculties, the CC Office and CAES with (a) the interpretation of SLEQ-UG and SLEQ-TPG data so as to inform annual T&L planning (paragraph 4.3.3 refers), and (b) developing PLOs, CLOs, grade descriptors, PLOAP and PLOARs in implementing OBASL;
- supporting a culture of innovation through UGC and University-level TDG project incubation (collaborating across Faculties), reviewing and monitoring (through FTLQC), and showcasing completed TDGs and projects-in-progress (through a biannual HKU T&L Festivals);
- conducting research which underpins an evidence-based approach to teaching, learning and curriculum design and strengthens the teaching-research nexus;
- coordinating the establishment of communities of practice as an effective platform to engage staff in discussing and sharing good T&L practices across the University; and
- responding to University and Faculty needs through other modes of engagement, as required.
6.3.2 Other supporting units, such as Libraries, ITS and Human Resources Office, also offer professional development opportunities in their expert areas. Moreover, Faculties and departments offer their own programmes for development and support.
6.3.3 In addition, staff development is facilitated by CPD grants, teaching development and conference grants, professional leave, sabbatical leave, different fellowship and visiting programmes. For instance, the Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme aims to enhance the scholarship of teaching at the University through sharing of experience and collaborating on teaching and curriculum development initiatives at reputable universities where excellent pedagogical practices or curriculum innovation are being implemented, and facilitating reciprocal visits to the University by academic staff of these institutions. The Scheme is a measure also to ensure that the University’s curriculum and pedagogy are benchmarked against international best practice.
6.4 Teaching Development Grant
6.4.1 The University’s TDG Scheme, supported mainly by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant allocated by UGC, underlines the University’s commitment to furthering its mission in T&L (Appendix 6.2). The grants are intended to support projects and activities that will have an impact on the strategic development and promotion of T&L.
6.4.2 A TDG system, including a resources hub, has been developed to facilitate online applications and administration of the Scheme, and to facilitate a greater sharing of TDG resources. Grant holders are required to disseminate TDG project deliverables and outcomes through uploading the findings and deliverables on the TDG Resources Hub (https://tdg.hku.hk/hub/), and presenting their work to the University community, in the form of seminars, workshops or other events organised by TALIC (paragraph 6.3.1 refers). They are also encouraged to consider other additional means of disseminating project findings and good practices within the University, regionally and internationally, including prestigious international awards (e.g. QS Wharton).