8. Research Postgraduate Education
8.1.3More detailed information mentioned in this Chapter is available in the Handbook for PhD and MPhil Programmes (Handbook) which is updated by the Graduate School annually and downloadable from the Graduate School website for easy reference by staff and students (https://gradsch.hku.hk/current_students/handbook).
The Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), together with the management of the Graduate School, sets the overall plan, strategies and policies on RPg education.
8.2.4Faculty Higher Degrees Committees
Each Faculty has a Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC) which reports to the Faculty Board. Its membership is determined by the Faculty itself, which accounts for their differing composition. FHDC advises the Faculty Board on various matters relating to higher coursework and research degrees (except Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Laws (LLD) and Doctor of Social Sciences (DSocSc)), and such postgraduate diplomas and certificates as the Senate may determine from time to time, where appropriate.
The Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC) is the advisory body to FHDC on the management of RPg education at the Department level. Its objectives are to broaden the basis of decision making on RPg education, to give advice to supervisors and supervisees, and to function as the Departmental QA and QE body.
A BoE is set up by the Faculty and its membership comprises the Dean of the Faculty (Chair), FHDC members, specialist and additional examiners, supervisor(s), and the Chair of the Thesis Examining Committee (TEC). BoE receives the report of TEC, the reports of the specialist examiners of the thesis and the report of the examiners present at the oral examination, and recommends a course of action to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval.
A TEC comprising the TEC Chair, internal and external examiners, and the student’s primary and possibly co-supervisor shall be formed to consider and recommend a result on the thesis and/or oral examination(s) for submission to BoE.
8.3 Educational aims and learning outcomes for research postgraduate education
8.3.1The University educational aims, institutional and PLOs for RPg curricula are accessible at the Graduate School website (https://gradsch.hku.hk/current_students/educational_aims_and_learning_outcomes). Faculties may make reference to the general set of learning outcomes, as deemed appropriate, when drawing up their aims and learning outcomes for RPg curricula in specific academic disciplines.
8.4 Regulations and procedures
8.4.1RPg curricula are governed by the General Regulations. In addition, the MPhil and PhD curricula are governed by the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Philosophy and Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy respectively, approved by the Senate on the recommendation of the Graduate School. These Regulations make provisions for admission requirements, period of study, progression of studies, coursework requirements, leave of absence and submission of thesis. In addition, there are Procedures for the Degrees of MPhil and PhD, which help provide administrative guidance for the interpretation and execution of the Degree Regulations.- Good Practices for RPg Students;
- Good Practices for Supervisors;
- Good Practices for FHDCs; and
- Good Practices for DRPCs.
- Guidelines for Setting Up and Conducting Oral Examinations for PhD and MPhil Candidates;
- Guidelines on the Appointment of TEC Chairperson; and
- Guidelines on Handling Appeal from a Student whose Candidature is Terminated by the Faculty within the Probationary Period.
8.5.2Booklets on Research Integrity, Plagiarism, Preparing and Submitting your Thesis are also available for students’ reference.
8.6 Quality assurance and quality enhancement
8.6.1The Graduate School monitors and assures the quality of RPg education concerning student admissions and award of postgraduate scholarship, supervision arrangements, students’ study progress, coursework, training and thesis examination. Details of QA and QE measures are available in the Handbook and on the Graduate School website.8.6.2Channels to collect feedback for enhancement of the quality of RPg programmes include the following:
- Bi-annual progress report (completed by individual RPg students and supervisors for submission to the DRPC and FHDC; and Faculties will submit summary statistics and special cases to the Graduate School for information/ consideration);
- SFTL questionnaire (conducted by TALIC);
- Survey of Student Learning Experiences (conducted by the Graduate School on current first-year and final-year RPg students);
- A Study of Opinions of RPg Students on Leaving the University (i.e., Exit Survey, conducted by the Graduate School);
- Graduate Employment Survey on Higher Degrees (conducted by CEDARS);
- Feedback collected from FHDC Chairs through various channels including meetings and email communication;
- Meetings with the Postgraduate Student Association; and
- Staff-Student Consultative Committee meetings at the Department and Faculty levels.