“Pathway to HKU” Information sessions & Campus Tours


Take your first step to HKU through the admissions talks, faculty talks, consultation sessions, and faculty information booths at 2015 Pathway to HKU (24 February).


Admissions Talks and Faculty Talks 入學講座和學院講座

Please click here to register. 請點擊此按鈕註冊參加入學講座和學院講座。

Consultation Sessions 入學諮詢

Time 時間:12:00-15:00
Venue 會場:CPD LG.59, Centennial Campus 香港大學百周年校園
*No registration required. 無需註冊。

Faculty Information Booths 學院資訊站

Time 時間:12:00-15:00
Venue 會場:Foyer of Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus 百周年校園李兆基會議中心大堂
*No registration required. 無需註冊。

For further information, please visit:

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Information Sessions and Campus Tours 2015 Pathway to HKU by email at prcua@hku.hk

Teaching and Learning (T&L) Services – Seminar and Exhibition on October 14-15, 2014

Message from Information Technology Services


Dear colleagues,

Welcome to our T&L Services seminar and exhibition on how our Teaching and Learning (T&L) services facilitate your T&L activities:

Seminar talks on 15 October (Wed) 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Exhibition on 14-15 October (Tue-Wed) 10:00am – 5:00pm

(A) In the Seminar:

Apart from introducing the services and facilities available to support your teaching, two teachers are invited to share their experience on using the University’s Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and Lecture Capture service (LCS) Panopto.

For Registration: Click here

Date: 15 October (Wed)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: Theatre C, LG/F, Chow Yei Ching Building (Location Map)
Title of talks in the seminar session Speakers
IT Services Support for Teaching and Learning Dr Danny Tang, Director, ITS
Learning & Teaching Spaces in HKU Mrs Toni Kelly, Associate Director (Learning Environments), ITS
HKU teachers’ experience sharing on using:
(a) the learning management system Moodle Dr Feng Yibin, Associate Professor, School of Chinese Medicine
(b) the lecture capture service Panopto Dr. Winnie S. C. Leung, Assistant Professor, School of Business
Panopto – Transforming the student learning experience Mr Bertrand Lee, Technical Director, Panopto APAC Ltd

(B) Highlights of the exhibition:

  • Access Moodle and lecture capture recordings using phones or laptops
  • Live demonstration of lecture capture service (LCS) – using Panopto software on a laptop to make recording
  • High definition video conferencing system will link the 2 booths to showcase presentation or lecture in high quality video
    • Users can join using phones or laptops
  • One-stop e-learning hub to access e-courses and T&L Services information

Our staff will be at the exhibition booths to demonstrate the above and answer questions.

Date: 14 October (Tue) and 15 October (Wed)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Venues: (1) G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons, Centennial Campus
(2) G/F, Library Building Old Wing, opposite coffee shop
(Location Map)

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at: elearningteam@hku.hk.

Mr. Kenneth Siu
e-learning Team
Information Technology Services

Invitation to International Conference – Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, it is my pleasure to warmly invite you to take part in our International Conference – Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015, which will be held on 14-15 May 2015 at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

We are also delighted to have confirmed internationally renowned educational experts – Prof. John Biggs (Formerly University of Hong Kong), Prof. David Boud (University of Technology Sydney), Prof. Royce Sadler (University of Queensland), Prof. Dai Hounsell (University of Edinburgh), Prof. David Carless (University of Hong Kong), and Prof. Rick Glofcheski (University of Hong Kong) as keynote and plenary speakers of the conference.


Assessment for learning has attracted the interest of higher education institutions worldwide. Hosted by the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) at HKU, the programme of the upcoming event is carefully designed to incorporate a wide range of topics that reflect the conference theme of ‘Assessment for Learning’, which is outlined on our website http://www.cetl.hku.hk/conf2015/ alongside the six sub-themes grouped as the following:

1. Innovative Assessment Approaches
2. Students’ Responses to Assessment
3. Assessment and Feedback
4. Institutional Initiatives in Assessment
5. Assessing Professional Competencies
6. Other Issues in Assessment for Learning

Please note that call for abstract submission is now officially open and submission deadline will be the 14th of November 2014. Abstract submission is free of charge. For submission guidelines, please click on the following hyperlink: http://www.cetl.hku.hk/conf2015/online-abstract-submission/

We would be most grateful if you would inform staff and students in your institution who may share interest in assessment for learning. Should you have any questions regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact our Conference Secretariat, Mr. Robbie Ho, on +852 3917-8994 or by email to conference2015@cetl.hku.hk.

We look forward to meeting you at this exciting event!

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Cecilia Chan
Chairperson, Conference Organising Committee
Associate Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Hong Kong

Conference Website: http://www.cetl.hku.hk/conf2015/
Assessment Website: http://ar.cetl.hku.hk/

Medical Humanities Students’ Creative Reflective Artwork Exhibition

Message from Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit


You are cordially invited to join and appreciate some shortlisted creative reflective artwork exhibition, featuring the year-end works made by year 1 medical students who reflect on their understanding on the medical journey in creative art forms. Videos, paintings, clay-work, installation, paper cutting and poem; some even use white-coat as canvas.

Medical Humanities (MH) Curriculum is a curriculum compulsory to all newly admitted medical students, aiming at enabling students to have a deeper understanding of the human condition, and to explore the person within the patient as well as the person behind the white coat. This exhibition is a part of the assessment of the MH curriculum.

Exhibition, Student Presentation and Prize Awarding Ceremony

Date: April 10, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, G/F William M.W. Mong Block LKS Faculty of Medicine 21 Sassoon Road

Audience can cast their vote to their most favourite artwork that contributes to a prize!

All are welcome and no registration is required.

Should you have any query, please feel free to contact Mr Abel Lau at abellau2@hku.hk

(Last Call) Technology, Law and the Public Interest: Ottawa – HKU Conference


Message from Law & Technology Centre
Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

Technology, Law and the Public Interest:
Ottawa – HKU Conference

Date: April 10, 2014 (Thursday) (09:00am-05:30pm)
April 11, 2014 (Friday) (09:00am-01:00pm)
Venue: 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Guest speakers at the conference include:

Mr. Allan Chiang, S.B.S.

Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong

The Hon. Mr. Charles Mok

Member of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong

Professor Nathalie des Rosiers

(University of Ottawa)
Dean of Law, Common Law Section
Former General Counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Professor Michael Geist

(University of Ottawa)
Canada Research Chair in Internet and e-Commerce Law

Professor Ian Kerr

(University of Ottawa)
Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology

Professor Eric Meslin

(Indiana University)
Associate Dean for Bioethics, School of Medicine
Founding Director of the Indiana University Centre for Bioethics


We are delighted to invite you to an exciting discussion between experts from Canada, Hong Kong and friend jurisdictions on the intersection between Technology, Law and the Public Interest.

Throughout this one and a half day event we will be debating how law and policy can make sure technological development is put to the common good.

The conference brings together an outstanding lineup of speakers, and will count on three major panels investigating the boundaries between the public and the private, society and the individual, in the areas of: Privacy and Freedom Expression, Intellectual Property and Social Justice and the ethics involved in Regulating the Body and the Mind.

Questions we will be asking include:

  • Can we entrust robots to make health decisions on our behalf?
  • Can privacy protect the technological use of data in the public domain?
  • What lessons can we learn from recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada on the interplay between technology and users’ rights?
  • What are the issues involved in regulating online parody in Hong Kong?
  • How to bridge the Valley of Death between scientific policy and real world diseases?
  • Are orthodox science, technology, and innovation systems metrics adequate to account for the impacts of intellectual property in developing countries?

And many more.

Registration: www.lawtech.hk/publicinterest or www.law.hku.hk
(Seminars & Conferences)
Inquiry: Ms. Zita Kwok (email: zitakwok@hku.hk)

Morrison Hall Centenary Exhibition

Message from Morrison Hall

Dear members of HKU,

You are cordially invited to the “Morrison Hall Centenary Exhibition”. This exhibition is held to celebrate the 100 year history of Morrison Hall. Through this Exhibition, we hope that more members of the University of Hong Kong will be able to learn more about Morrison Hall, its glorious history and our Morrisonian Spirit.

Morrison Hall was established in 1913 and was closed down in 1968. The new Morrison Hall was finally rebuilt in 2005. In this exhibition, the history of the old Morrison Hall, the rebuilding campaign and the rebirth of the new Morrison Hall will be presented. This exhibition will also display a recently completed architectural model of the old Morrison Hall.

The details of the exhibition are as follows:

Date: 15th – 28th March
Venue: Level 3 Multi-Purpose Zone

Metamorphosis of our Hall:

We are looking forward to your visit and to share with us the proud history of Morrison Hall! Thank you.

Morrison Hall Students’ Association

Quiz night – Hispanic Month 2014

Message from School of Modern Languages and Cultures


Hispanic Month 2014

“Spanish Courses Abroad (Summer 2014)”

A seminar / briefing session
5 March, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
CPD-LG.34, Centennial Campus, HKU

This seminar is aimed mainly at students of Year II Spanish courses who are thinking about travelling to Spain in the summer for an intensive course. In the seminar we will look at general information about travelling to Spain, choosing a location, a course and other information of interest. The seminar will also serve to inform students about procedures to apply for The Consulate of Spain Award for 2014.

Screening: Los Últimos Días (The Last Days)

Film screening
17 March, 4:30 – 7:00pm
MWT6, Ming Wah Complex

Title: Los Últimos Días (The Last Days)
Directors: David & Alex Pastor
Country: Spain
Synopsis: A mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet. Humanity develops an irrational fear of open spaces that causes instant death. Soon, the world population is trapped inside buildings. As Barcelona descends into chaos, Marc sets off on a quest to find Julia, his missing girlfriend, without ever going outside.

Quiz night

21 March, 5:00 – 8:00pm
Global lounge

Do you know anything about the Hispanic World? Would you like to win a prize? If so, come to our Quiz Night in the Global Lounge, a competition which will put to the test your knowledge about the 21 countries which have Spanish as their mother tongue. Teams of 3 participants will have to answer questions about language, culture, customs, dances, festivals, etc. of Spanish-speaking countries. Places are limited.

“Tebeos: a short history of comics in Spain”

24 March, 4:30 – 6:00pm
KK201, K. K. Leung Building

The evolution of tebeos (Spanish for ‘comics’) seems similar, on the surface, to the one in many other Western countries: they first appeared as social satires in the late 19th century newspapers; they became an immensely popular, and populist, media in the mid 20th century (a period, however, in which they tended to be despised as infantile and disposable entertainment); and they came to be regarded a minority art form by the early 21st century. However, in a closer look, the history of comics in Spain reveals many particularities that reflect the radical changes that the Spanish society has gone through in the XX Century. In his presentation, Martin Juaristi will provide a general overview of this history, focusing on the particularities that make Spanish tebeos something a unique as French BD, American comics or Japanese manga.


“¡A bailar! Learn the basic steps of Salsa, Merengue and Bachata!”

March 25th, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Global Lounge

The Spanish-speaking world is well-known for its music and dances, which have become famous around the world. For all those budding dancers who would like to try their hand at some Latin American rhythms here is their chance. Come to this workshop and learn the basic steps of three of the most famous dances: Salsa, Merengue and Bachata. After you learn the steps we’ll put your skills into practice with some dancing. We will also have some Spanish snacks and sangría.

Screening: Eva

Film screening
28 March, 3:30 – 5:30pm
CPD-3.28, Centennial Campus, HKU

Title: Eva
Director: Kike Maíllo
Country: Spain
Synopsis: Álex, a renowned cybernetic engineer, returns to Santa Irene to create a child robot for his former University. During his ten–year absence, life has moved on for his brother David and for Lana, who married David after Álex’s departure. Álex’s routine is altered in an unexpected way by Eva, Lana and David’s charismatic daughter, with whom he has a special connection from the moment they meet. They ultimately set out on a journey together, which will bring them to a revelatory end.
Suitable for all ages

Post-conference brief: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education

Conference video: Change and Challenges debate


Professor Amy Tsui, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning), made a keynote presentation entitled “Re-imagining Undergraduate Education” at the “International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education: 10 years of Enhancing the Student Experience” organized by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Scotland on June 11, 2013.

9073903095_0f45af70ef_oIn her presentation, Professor Tsui outlined the journey of undergraduate education reform at HKU, what has been achieved and what challenges lie ahead. She also spoke on the centrality of learning from real life situations to develop students’ knowledge, skills and values to bring about change for a better world.

The conference brought together over 500 delegates from 25 different countries, and was structured around a number of areas relating to enhancement and innovation in higher education, such as curriculum innovation, internationalisation of the curriculum, impact of national policy on quality enhancement, teaching postgraduate students and supporting enhancement through quality processes.

Keynote presentations and a selection of the conference materials are available on this website

Launch Ceremony of the Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre

The Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre is set up with a donation to facilitate and enhance experiential learning, a distinctive feature of the new undergraduate curriculum, in all Faculties. The event, apart from thanking the donor, will showcase work done by Faculties complemented by experience sharing by staff and students.

Date: March 19, 2012 (Monday)
Time: Reception at 5.30 p.m.; Ceremony at 6 p.m.
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre
Language: English


Please register by (fax) 2517-6351 or (email) tlearn@hku.hk.