Staff Teaching Space Experience Survey – 2017

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Staff Teaching Space Experience Survey - 2016

Dear Colleagues,

Staff Teaching Space Experience Survey – 2017

IT Services will be conducting an online Teaching Space Experience Survey on behalf of the University for a 3 week, commencing on Monday 20th March and closing at 5pm on Sunday 9th April 2017.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information about your experiences and perceptions of the classroom environments that you use to deliver your lectures and seminars etc. in order to find out what you think is important and of any issues to be addressed.

Your opinions are valuable to us and this information will help us understand how we can provide better facilities to support your teaching. A separate survey investigating the student learning environment experience was closed on Sunday 19th March 2017.

The results of both will be used to inform the University Strategy for future development of Teaching and Learning Spaces over the coming planning period (2-3 years) to ensure that space provided for teaching and learning is fit for purpose and of good quality in order to enhance the student learning experience.

You can access the survey through this link:

If you have any questions or queries about this survey please contact Mrs Toni Kelly, Associate Director (Learning Environments), at

With best wishes

Professor Ian Holliday
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange 2016


Invitation to the 2016 Ceremony

The President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong requests the pleasure of your company at the Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange

Monday, March 27, 2017

Plaque Unveiling , 4:30 p.m.
Plaque of Honour, LG/F (opposite Grove Café & The Jockey Club Tower entrance), Centennial Campus
Award Presentation Ceremony , 5:00 p.m.
Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, LG/F, Centennial Campus

Dr the Honourable Sir David LI Kwok Po, Pro-Chancellor will be the Guest of Honour at the Ceremony

The Invitation Card

Outstanding Teaching Award for
Excellence in Teaching & Research 2016 Presentation Video by



Message from President and Vice-Chancellor

Dear Colleagues and Students,

I am very pleased to announce the award recipients of the University’s Teaching Excellence Awards this year. The Selection Panel was deeply impressed with the awardees’ dedication to teaching, their tireless and creative efforts to make learning enjoyable and challenging, and the impact that they have made on their students’ learning. Awardees this year fall into three categories of awards, viz. Outstanding Teaching Award, Early Career Teaching Award and Teaching Innovation Award. The Early Career Teaching Award was introduced this year to recognise the outstanding contributions and commitment of our colleagues who are at an early stage of their teaching career.

Outstanding Teaching Award

Mr. David L. Bishop, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics
Professor David R. Carless, Faculty of Education
Dr. Julie Y. Chen, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care and Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education, LKS Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Katherine N. Cummer, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture
Dr. Wilton W.T. Fok, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Early Career Teaching Award

Ms. Jody K.P. Chu, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Courtney J. Fung, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dr. Sara Kim, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics

Teaching Innovation Award

Mr. Ivan A. Valin and Mr. Scott J. Melbourne of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture

The awardees will be honoured at a presentation ceremony on Monday March 27, 2017. Please do join us for that if you can.

I would like to thank our external assessor Professor Huang Hoon Chng (Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) of the National University of Singapore) for providing us with expert advice in situ during the final selection process. I would also like to thank the other Panel members, Professor Ian Holliday, Professor Grahame Bilbow, Ms. Katherine Lynch and Mr. Alasdair Kan (student representative), for their assistance in this important exercise.

Many congratulations to all the awardees – I hope you will attend the presentation ceremony!

Professor Peter Mathieson, President
Selection Panel for Teaching Excellence Awards 2016

Teaching Development Grants (TDG) 2017

Applications are now invited for the Teaching Development Grants (TDGs). TDGs are intended to support projects and activities that will have an impact on the strategic development and promotion of Teaching and Learning (T&L). As a new measure to ensure alignment of TDG proposals with T&L strategies at Faculty level, Faculties are required to contribute one-sixth of the total project cost for a successful TDG proposal submitted by their Faculty members. For priority areas and more details, please refer to Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)’s invitation circular dated February 27, 2017 (document 321/217, URL below):

Applications should be submitted to Ms. Synthia Chau, Secretary, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, c/o Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section, Registry. TDG applications will be processed in batches according to the following cut-off dates in 2017:

1st round – Thursday, April 13, 2017
2nd round – Friday, October 13, 2017
3rd round – Friday, December 29, 2017

Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Chau or Ms. Julie Lau.

2017 UGC Teaching Award

The UGC invites annually nominations from institutions on its UGC Teaching Award, which is established to honour staff in the UGC sector who excel in teaching. The current Scheme consists of two categories: (1) general faculty members/teams; and (2) early career faculty members (open to individuals only). Each University is invited to nominate up to three nominations in total. If three nominations are submitted, among the three at least one nomination should be in each of the two Award categories. Details are set out in the UGC’s letter dated February 14, 2017 (Appendix A).

Applications are now invited from teaching excellence award winners for these two categories of awards. For details, please refer to the circular from the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor dated February 27, 2017, which includes in its Appendix A details of the UGC Scheme. Applications should reach Ms. Synthia Chau, Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry, by March 17, 2017.

Online Questionnaire for Kwan Fong Lecture Theatre design

Message from Professor Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Students and Colleagues,

The University is planning to refurbish Kwan Fong Lecture Theatre on 2/F of Knowles Building (KB223). At this stage, the architect is exploring the design options for this central lecture theatre.

5 layout options have been developed (whether it will be a traditional one, a collaborative one or inbetween). The University wishes to collect views and opinions from the University community for reference in the ensuing design development.

You are cordially invited to participate in an online survey that covers the key themes of environment, technology, learning space quality and design. Please spare 5 minutes and join the online survey which is accessible at the following link:

Your answers will remain anonymous and will be kept strictly confidential. Your response before 31st January 2017 would be very much appreciated. For enquiries, please contact Mr. David Lo of the Estates Office at

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Best regards,

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) The University of Hong Kong
Chairman, Learning Environment Committee

E-learning survey


Message from Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate in an online e-learning survey conducted
at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The aim of the survey is to collect data
about teachers’ perceptions of their experience on the use of all types of
technologies to enhance teaching and learning in conjunction with face-to-face
learning. We invite all teachers to participate in this survey. A separate survey
investigating students’ perceptions of their e-learning experience is being
administered concurrently. Findings from previous surveys have informed the
formulation of our E-learning Strategy 2015. Your feedback this year will
continue to help us to provide a better physical and virtual learning environment
at HKU.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your answers will
remain anonymous and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential.

To participate in the online survey, please visit:

If you have any questions or queries about this survey please contact Dr Maggie Zhao of the Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit at

Best regards,

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
The University of Hong Kong

The Review 2016 – Teaching and Learning



The 2015–16 academic year saw both affirmation and enrichment of our education goals. The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) made its six-yearly inspection of the University and reported very favourably on the quality of our teaching and learning. This valuable feedback came as we expanded our vision and aspirations for students to include providing every student with a quality international and Mainland China learning experience by 2022, offering more joint and dual degree programmes with overseas partners, and encouraging innovation in our programmes and our student achievement.

Read more

UGC Funding Scheme for T&L Related Proposals (2016-19 Triennium): update

feature-ugcDear Colleagues,

Further to our invitation circular dated August 3, 2016
(for details see:, we would like to invite each team preparing to submit an application through HKU for the UGC’s current T&L funding scheme to send a brief one-page outline of their proposal to Professor Grahame Bilbow, Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

Professor Bilbow is liaising with representatives from the other universities, so as to ensure that information about project proposals is shared across the sector. It will be very helpful for him to have an early sense of the proposals that are now being developed at HKU.

If available at this stage, your outline should include the draft project title, a brief summary of the project, the names of anticipated partner institutions, and a draft budget (indicating the total budget sought, along with the anticipated contributions of each of the partner institutions). The deadline for submitting outlines to is Friday 23 September 2016.

Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
Professor John Kao, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global)

HKU Horizons Experience Awards


Message from HKU Horizons Office

In support of its internationalization agenda, the University last year launched HKU Horizons, with the specific aim to promote and provide educationally meaningful and robust Mainland and international (ML/INT) learning experiences for undergraduate students.

In order to encourage students to reflect on and share their ML/INT learning experiences, the HKU Horizons Experience Awards have been established. The HKU Horizons Experience Awards competition will be organized annually in January, with a top prize of $10,000 and two further prizes of $5,000 to be awarded.

To enter the competition, undergraduate students must submit a video of not more than three minutes capturing and reflecting on their ML/INT learning experience. Submissions may be made on an individual or a group basis.

Awards will be made on the basis of the substance and value of the learning experience captured, and also the quality of the video presentation. The winning videos, acknowledged as “HKU Horizons Experience”, may be used by the university for promotional purposes, both internal and external. The student producer, individual or group, will be acknowledged as appropriate. The videos may also be refined as appropriate and authorised by the HKU Horizons Committee.

The 2016-17 Round is now open for submission. Further details can be obtained at The deadline for submission is Monday January 23, 2017 (2400).

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
The University of Hong Kong